Game Details
Player 1
#player1 Michael Michael
#player2 Joey Joey
>Michael: DEMNS 8D MENDS +22 22
>Joey: DEEEFRW C7 FEW +26 26
>Michael: ADGRV E4 GRAV.D +22 44
>Joey: ?DEEHOR H8 .OREHEaD +95 121
>Michael: IQ B6 QI +36 80
>Joey: DEILLNO 13B NIELLO.D +74 195
>Michael: FOTT 14A TOFT +25 105
>Joey: AIRSTUX A7 RAX +36 231
>Michael: AEP 12D PEA +24 129
>Joey: IIRSTTU 15A ITS +24 255
#note Didn't seem worth keeping the S, since it didn't have much use on this board.
>Michael: EGZ 6D G.ZE +34 163
>Joey: BEIORTU 4A BOUR. +22 277
#note Thought about showing off the newer BOURGIE and BOUGIER, but didn't like the counterplay that it allowed.
>Michael: AANU 10H .UANA +7 170
>Joey: CEIIMRT 15H .IMETRIC +92 369
>Michael: ALY 11J LAY +23 193
>Joey: ?EHIOVY 12K HEY +36 405
>Michael: INU 14J UNI +15 208
>Joey: ?BIKLOV F11 B..K +20 425
>Michael: AIJ 13M AJI +30 238
>Joey: ?ILNOUV G2 OVUL. +12 437
>Michael: ACI B1 CIA. +12 250
>Joey: ?GINNOR 3G .IGNeRON +76 513
>Michael: AEEOSST O1 EAST +27 277
>Joey: EOPTW F1 OW +26 539
>Michael: EOS 1A E.OS +21 298
>Michael: (EPT) +10 308
Player 2
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