Game Details
Player 1
#player1 Joey Joey
#player2 Barry Barry
>Joey: AALOPTT 8F ATOP +12 12
#note Maybe TAPALO to go for more turnover, but this is fine. Weirdly, this rack has no fives.
>Barry: DEHIK 9F HIKED +34 34
>Joey: ?ALLMTU 7C MULL +15 27
>Barry: IINORST 10I ROTINIS +71 105
>Joey: ?AIILOT M3 dILATIO. +68 95
#note Missed HALIOTIS, the only bingo using the S. I remember HALIOTES* being removed and thought this went with it.
>Barry: AJO 8L J.AO +57 162
>Joey: EEPRSVY 8A VEEP +47 142
>Barry: AEEGW O10 .EWAGE +42 204
>Joey: ABORSTY 6F BORTY +39 181
#note Couldn't pull the trigger on SORTABLY. I'd probably do it if I didn't have this solid an alternative.
>Barry: EFO N4 FOE +19 223
>Joey: AAEGLST 15H STEALAG. +80 261
>Barry: DESV O1 DEVS +34 257
>Joey: AEFMNOW H1 FAWNE. +39 300
>Barry: ENZ 14K ZEN +27 284
>Joey: HIMNOUX 11F UNMIX +31 331
>Barry: AGNR L1 GNAR +29 313
>Joey: HIIOORU 14D HOURI +12 343
>Barry: BCDERST 2F CR.B +14 327
>Joey: ?DIINOQ 15A QuOIN +50 393
>Barry: CDERSTY 11F .....ED +41 368
#note Taking my spot, as he should.
>Joey: ADEIU 12G AI +10 403
>Barry: CRSTY D4 SYR.. +20 388
>Joey: DEU 13H DUE +13 416
>Joey: (CT) +8 424
Player 2
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