Game Details
Player 1
#character-encoding UTF-8
#player1 Evan_Chester Evan Chester
#player2 Yvonne_Lobo Yvonne Lobo
>Evan_Chester: ?AAEIOO -AAIOO +0 0
#note Best
>Yvonne_Lobo: AEILNV 8D VENIAL +26 26
>Evan_Chester: ?AEENUV 9I AVENUEs +64 64
#note I1 rEVENUAL scores 1 more but the opening is much more dangerous. this is fine i think
>Yvonne_Lobo: CLOW O5 CLOW. +27 53
>Yvonne_Lobo: CLOW -- -27 26
>Evan_Chester: EEEEKNR O5 KNEE. +24 88
#note REsEEK, KERNEs, KEENERs are all discernably better but I don't know if would've been able to pull the trigger on these
>Yvonne_Lobo: CELOW D8 .OWEL +22 48
>Evan_Chester: EEHILRY E10 EH +25 113
#note Missing C9 YEH/HEY is not ok
>Yvonne_Lobo: CQ G7 Q. +21 69
>Evan_Chester: EIILRSY C9 LEY +25 138
#note N9 EYRIES is best and like 10 other plays sim better. ugh
>Yvonne_Lobo: COY 10G COY +14 83
>Evan_Chester: AIIRSSX N9 .X +25 163
#note 11I SIX seems to be the best balance of scoring, leave, and not giving back free counterplay
>Yvonne_Lobo: ?ADEGTT K5 TArG.TED +86 169
>Evan_Chester: AIIORSS 12H ROI.S +14 177
#note Yea I'm not making any candidate plays this game smh
>Yvonne_Lobo: JW 6J J.W +29 198
>Evan_Chester: AAAGISU -AAGIU +0 177
#note I saw plays at H12 but passed them up because I did not want to trudge through more vowel heavy racks and being unable to score. Exchanging and playing RUGA sim close but I like the exchange better
>Yvonne_Lobo: EF L4 FE. +20 218
>Evan_Chester: ABIMORS E1 BIRAMOS. +74 251
#note H1 AMBROSIA for 100, damn. At least I bingoed.
>Yvonne_Lobo: FI F1 IF +30 248
>Evan_Chester: DEGGIIR 1E ..GGER +30 281
#note It was between this and BIGGIE and I opted for BIGGER because there is only 1 E unseen so I'm giving back very little. Putting the E at J1 allows for much higher scoring responses on the 2 row
>Yvonne_Lobo: U 6N U. +4 252
>Evan_Chester: DDIILMP F4 DIM +29 310
#note this and F4 DIP are practically even and are the best plays
>Yvonne_Lobo: AENRSST 13A SARSNET +78 330
>Evan_Chester: ADIILOP A8 PLAID. +33 343
#note I did see LIPIDS but was not sure if it was good. The best play of LIPOIDS I did not know
>Yvonne_Lobo: RZ F12 R.Z +32 362
>Evan_Chester: BHIOOPT D3 OH +26 369
#note H3 PHOBIA is best. I was blind to that spot the whole game p much. My play is okay
>Yvonne_Lobo: DNU C1 DUN +14 376
>Evan_Chester: BIOOPRT N9 ..PORT +30 399
#note By far my highest scoring play on offer and I'm glad I could finally hit this spot I'd been eyeing the whole game. It might not be optimal timing though because this play empties the bag. It sims 3rd behind 1A BID and 1A BOD, which save EXPORT for next turn.
>Yvonne_Lobo: AACIINT M3 TAC +20 396
>Yvonne_Lobo: AACIINT -- -20 376
#note ACTINIA. There is an absolutely insane disconnected 9 available of I7 C(LAY)T(O)NIA but it nevr wins according to sim. Her best win % play is M3 CAT, which was her idea with TAC. Yvonne plays both NWL and CSW and thought this CSW 3 was good in NWL. It ended up making my win a lot more secure

>Evan_Chester: ABIOOTU B4 BIOTA +13 412
#note This is 1 out of 4 plays that win 100%, the others being H5 OBIA, M1 OBIA, and B5 OBIA. My play is 10-13 points worse than all other 100% wins but hey, a 100% win is a 100% win
>Yvonne_Lobo: AACIINT A1 ACTA +26 402
>Evan_Chester: OU 13L OU. +8 420
#note Best
>Evan_Chester: (IIN) +6 426
Player 2
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