Player 1 |
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#player1 Tracy_Cobbs Tracy Cobbs
#player2 Patrick_Beatrez Patrick Beatrez
>Tracy_Cobbs: ILORZ 8D ZORIL +48 48
>Patrick_Beatrez: AAEMSTT 7G MAT +18 18
#note An E would've been nice, but I still have a good score and leave here. 9C TAM is just 3 points better for no downside, I shouldn't be missing plays like that.
>Tracy_Cobbs: ABP 9G BAP +26 74
>Patrick_Beatrez: AEEPRST D3 TRAPE.ES +88 106
>Tracy_Cobbs: ABINS C9 BASIN +29 103
>Patrick_Beatrez: CEORVWY 12B V.CEROY +38 144
#note I decided to turn over the rack rather than use the 10B spot, but the computer likes B8 VOW the best leaving CERY and scoring similarly. My guess is that CERY has an opportunity to bingo through the open A or I, while VICEROY just dumps the rack and holds a W and is unlikely to bingo next turn. I liked having the W after VICEROY for scoring insurance, especially with the 10B spot since if I draw a couple vowels I am likely to have a decent play, such as WA(V)ER, WI(V)ED, or WO(V)EN. I think VOW and VICEROY are closer than the computer say they are. Also, he might not think of the extensions for VICEROY, which I thought of VICEROYALTY and VICEROYSHIP, but this are unlikely to hit the board.
>Tracy_Cobbs: AEISTTU 14C SITUATE +67 170
#note 10H SITUATE looks like a better placement than 14C.
>Patrick_Beatrez: AILNOWY 15G YOWL +46 190
#note Lots of possible plays in this spot, such as YOW/YOWL/NOWAY. I wasn't certain whether NOWAY took an S hook or not, so I decided on YOWL for the same score. I would've liked to get rid of another tile given the two blanks still unseen 24V-31C-2B, but AIN is still a slightly better leave than IL and since I wasn't sure of the NOWAYS hook then I am okay with the decision.
>Tracy_Cobbs: EHI 13I HIE +23 193
#note B10 HI(V)E is 36.
>Patrick_Beatrez: ADDINNN L10 NANDIN +24 214
#note Best.
>Tracy_Cobbs: ACEIOX 10I AXO.E +32 225
#note He didn't want to open the S hook but he wasn't certain of AXONIC, but he also could've played AXENIC or EXONIC.
>Patrick_Beatrez: ?DEEEIS N4 bEEDIES +76 290
#note N6 DEVISEE is 2 more points and slots the V next to the TWS, but it opens an easier bingo line to hit, however, the spot is likely to go away after this turn with a play through the V unless he hits a bingo this turn. There is still the TRA in TRAPEZES and MAT hooks so there will be bingo lines in the future, but O1 bingos would hurt. Champ likes DEVISEE the best, I can also infer that he's not necessarily close to a bingo after dumping vowels with AXO(N)E.
>Tracy_Cobbs: INOW O1 WINO +26 251
>Patrick_Beatrez: ANOORTV 8L VA.R +33 323
#note B10 VA(V) is slightly better on equity but I don't want to get blasted with QA(I)D or QU(I)T.
>Tracy_Cobbs: AFI 15L .AIF +21 272
>Patrick_Beatrez: ?EFNOOT 3A FoO.NOTE +72 395
#note I'm about 100% after this, but J2 FOOTmEN is definitely better to not open the (unlikely) triple-triple.
>Tracy_Cobbs: CEHK H1 CH.EK +45 317
>Patrick_Beatrez: GIMQRUU 5A UMI.Q +32 427
#note 14N QI for 49, I didn't even see the spot since I was focusing on the top left. I also didn't see B1 QU(O)RUM. 14N QI is best for spread by far.
>Tracy_Cobbs: DEGGLOT J2 TOGGLED +70 387
#note Only bingo.
>Patrick_Beatrez: DGJLRRU F2 J.G +27 454
#note Best.
>Tracy_Cobbs: U J10 .U +9 396
#note Best.
>Tracy_Cobbs: (DLRRU) +12 408