Game Details
Player 1
#character-encoding UTF-8
#player1 David_Engelhardt David Engelhardt
#player2 Patrick_Beatrez Patrick Beatrez
>David_Engelhardt: AEKOW 8D AWOKE +26 26
>Patrick_Beatrez: ?EIJTTY F7 J.EY +22 22
#note Looks best, I need to get the J off my rack.
>David_Engelhardt: IMOX D8 .XIOM +28 54
>Patrick_Beatrez: ?GGINTT H7 G.TTINGs +60 82
#note I saw the AWOKEN hook when he played it, but I whiffed on it this turn and decided to phony for a much lower score. Luckily he didn't hold or challenge.
>David_Engelhardt: EY E11 YE +24 78
>Patrick_Beatrez: EILMRVZ 11G V.ZIR +34 116
#note VIZIR looks better than VIZIER, more defensive and keeps ELM over LM.
>David_Engelhardt: LOO 10J LOO +11 89
#note G5 LOO(K) for 21 uses the same letters.
>Patrick_Beatrez: AEILMNP M8 IMPANEL +84 200
#note Best bingo.
>David_Engelhardt: ?EHILOT L2 HOLIEsT +73 162
#note L2 NEOLITH is 85, but the highest scoring bingo is 14F HO(S)TILE(L)y for 90!
>Patrick_Beatrez: AAENNNU M1 NANA +19 219
#note G5 NEU(K) looks terrible leaving AANN but scores well, I did like my play of M1 NANA over 12H (N)ANA though. I have a lead on a pretty bad board for now, so I wanted to turn over some tiles to try to get a scoring tile.
>David_Engelhardt: DEFU C11 FEUD +30 192
>Patrick_Beatrez: ADEHNRU N2 HERD +40 259
#note UNSHARED hadn't fit anyway so he didn't block any bingo. N1 UH scores 30 and keeps a nice 5-tile leave but it still isn't a good bingo board, so I decided to score instead. N1 AHED was 3 more points and kept slightly better than HERD with NRU over ANU.
>David_Engelhardt: AEW L12 AWE +23 215
>Patrick_Beatrez: ADFNTUU O4 DAUNT +34 293
#note Best.
>David_Engelhardt: DO 6J DO. +8 223
>Patrick_Beatrez: EFQRSUU 14H .UQ +31 324
#note I didn't see 14H (S)EQU(EL)S for 70 which would've been an incredible spot. 15M SUQ is 48 rather than 31 for (S)UQ, but I wanted to be able to block the FEUDS hook next turn. I hadn't considered 15A FUSE this turn saving (S)UQ which is unlikely to get blocked, I would have definitely played that if I spotted it (and not SEQUELS).
>David_Engelhardt: AEIRSTV 15A VASTIER +92 315
#note Only bingo.
>Patrick_Beatrez: EFRSSTU G6 SU. +20 344
#note 15K FESTS for 47 is nice and scores well, but bingo defense could win me the game now since I have two esses and can score with IMPANELS, but there is still one remaining and he could draw into something. I like SU(K) a lot to make him have to sacrifice further to open. The computer doesn't like this and likes G6 SU(K)S much better, which I don't understand at all.
>David_Engelhardt: BO 5J OB. +21 336
>Patrick_Beatrez: EFIRRST 4D RIFTERS +76 420
>Patrick_Beatrez: EFIRRST -- -76 344
#note I had a second guess about this word, but didn't think anything of it and played it anyway. He said he wouldn't have challenged it in early game but decided to challenge since it effectively sealed the game. I don't understand why the sim likes fishing so much better than N13 EF which was my non-bingo play I would've played. It likes 15I TIRES better than EF, but I wanted to keep that S for SOD.
>David_Engelhardt: BGIS N11 GIBS +34 370
>Patrick_Beatrez: EFIRRST O14 EF +19 363
#note Now that I have the last S I am more likely to hit a bingo with SOD, champ likes J9 F(LI)R the best by far since I am very likely to hit a bingo with EIRST. I didn't want to have to rely on a bingo to win, especially if he drew one of the two Cs remaining and can make a dinky play like 4H CAR and I will struggle to open anything.
>David_Engelhardt: CI F13 IC. +11 381
>Patrick_Beatrez: AIPRRST 4G PART +11 374
#note CLEANER/RECLEAN and CORNEAL are the possible 7s for him, so currently 1/8 he has a playable bingo. If I fish off an R then I would hit a playable 7 with ENO, but with the O draw he bingos out with CLEANER, if I draw an E or N then he has many plays like 4F LACER and wins. If I fish off an S with AXIOMS/US then I draw a playable 7 with EO (same issue with O draw for CLEANER), and if I have PARTIER then he can still play LACER and win. If I try to fish off an A to go for STRIPER then he still has LACER, so trying to bingo won't work and I don't have a great way to open another line, since playing to the X will just open lines for him to bingo in more situations. Therefore, I didn't try to fish for a bingo and instead decided to block the bingo line and go for an out next turn. PART wins 2/8 with either E draw since I have H1 SER(A)I and 15J IRES. After PART I am down by 7, then I7 ANE is 34 followed by 15J IRES for 36 and getting 12 points from his rack and winning by 7 points.
>David_Engelhardt: ACEELNR I7 ANE +34 415
#note Best.
>Patrick_Beatrez: IORS I3 O. +3 377
#note Best, his only out is H1 CLE(A)R.
>David_Engelhardt: CELR 2G REC +10 425
#note O10 CEL is best, tough spot.
>Patrick_Beatrez: IRS 15I SIR +16 393
#note Best.
>Patrick_Beatrez: (L) +2 395
Player 2
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