Game Details
Player 1
#character-encoding UTF-8
#player1 Patrick_Beatrez Patrick Beatrez
#player2 Barbara_Amster Barbara Amster
>Patrick_Beatrez: EEHINOS H6 HOE +12 12
>Barbara_Amster: ABJM G7 JAMB +45 45
>Patrick_Beatrez: CEINNPS 11D CINE +28 40
#note I liked keeping SP together more than SC, but static equity has CNS as slightly better than NPS. Championship player likes CINE better than PINE by 7 points.
>Barbara_Amster: GOV I5 VOG +27 72
>Patrick_Beatrez: ?NPRRST E7 RePR.NTS +59 99
#note Very close between REPRINTS and J6 PST for 37, but I think NRR? is just barely not good enough for the 22 point sacrifice to keep the blank. Championship player agrees.
>Barbara_Amster: ADIY 14B DAI.Y +34 106
>Patrick_Beatrez: AEEIKXZ 15A ZAX +69 168
#note Quackle likes 15A KEX for 54 over ZAX for 69. The Z could easily hit a play to the 8A triple or below DAISY and AEIZ is much more flexible and bingo prone than EEIK, I think it is worth the 15 point sacrifice and championship player has KEX as 7 points better than ZAX. I wasn't sure how to evaluate such a big sacrifice in the game, so I took the points.
>Barbara_Amster: AEGILRR D2 GLARIER +72 178
#note Only bingo.
>Patrick_Beatrez: AEEEIIK 15F AKEE +29 197
#note Tough draw into a bad leave, only reasonable play.
>Barbara_Amster: OTW 13A TOW +42 220
>Patrick_Beatrez: EIILTUY C7 YETI +24 221
#note Looks best, 10E (R)E(B)UILT is a cool play that I didn't see but I don't think it's better than YETI.
>Barbara_Amster: FFU 5D .UFF +20 240
>Patrick_Beatrez: EILOSUV 14I OVULES +36 257
#note A8 VIOLE(T) keeping the S for JAMBES looks slightly better, taking the points with OVULES isn't bad and I don't need to bingo immediately to be in this game. I think VIOLET is better.
>Barbara_Amster: ?EEIINR B1 NItERIE +73 313
#note Highest scoring and best bingo.
>Patrick_Beatrez: AIOORTW A4 WOO +23 280
#note Looks best, I wanted to keep the ES in OVULES open for bingos. There aren't any hooks left for EYER so I don't need to worry about that, but I need to play off WO or WOO to have a shot at a bingo.
>Barbara_Amster: ILQU L11 QUI.L +30 343
#note I don't know the whole rack but she probably needed to play B10 QI for 62.
>Patrick_Beatrez: ADGINRT N7 TRADING. +64 344
#note Only bingo. It was held for a while, but she decided to not challenge since she had a good scoring play back and was in a good position.
>Barbara_Amster: EHMT 8K THE.M +42 385
>Patrick_Beatrez: ADEELOO 12E .ODE +26 370
#note Champ puts 3B (T)O(L)EDO as significantly better than everything else at 37%, my play of (N)ODE is down at 21%. She likely will not want to empty the bag on her next turn, so I should have a shot at fishing with 2D (G)O and having two lines open unless she has a good play to the T or H in THERM that blocks the bingo line. That is why TOLEDO is good this turn, since it'll prevent the scenarios where she has something annoying like L3 BANIS(H) where I'll either have to bingo through the B or from the G in GLARIER.
>Barbara_Amster: AB A1 AB +22 407
>Patrick_Beatrez: AELOPST 2D .O +3 373
#note I correctly found my only viable fish of (G)O fishing for an I for PLATIES/PLATIES(T) and STAPLED/SPLAT(T)ED, but I whiffed on PALETO(T)S this turn which wins 7/8 since I would be C stuck. GO is 2/8, and I miss.
>Barbara_Amster: ACDINNS 1E DINS +18 425
#note She has to block PULSATE, so 1E NICAD is the best move.
>Patrick_Beatrez: AELPSTU 10I APES +27 400
#note 11I PAS(Q)U(I)L is best, I didn't spot it and wouldn't have been sure of the word. I should've seen 11K E(Q)U(I)P or 10I PULSE(D).
>Barbara_Amster: ACN K5 CAN. +12 437
#note Best.
>Barbara_Amster: (LTU) +6 443
Player 2
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