Player 1 |
#character-encoding UTF-8
#player1 Patrick_Beatrez Patrick Beatrez
#player2 Nancy_Bowen Nancy Bowen
>Patrick_Beatrez: EEHMPRW H4 WHERE +30 30
#note WHEEP or PHEW is the play, I think taking the 34 points with WHEEP is best.
>Nancy_Bowen: FO G7 OF +14 14
#note (WHERE)OF scores 2 more.
>Patrick_Beatrez: CEGMNPU 5G C.UMP +28 58
#note Best.
>Nancy_Bowen: AGORT 9C GROAT +16 30
#note I7 GROAT is 21.
>Patrick_Beatrez: AEGLNNT I7 GENT +20 78
#note K5 (P)LANGENT
>Nancy_Bowen: ?AEILSS 11C SAILErS +68 98
#note J5 (M)ISLEADS is the highest scoring bingo at 81 with 4 overlaps, but there are several double-doubles for 80.
>Patrick_Beatrez: AAEELNO H10 A.EOLA +20 98
#note Best.
>Nancy_Bowen: ADP G13 PAD +21 119
>Patrick_Beatrez: DEIIKNS L1 KINDS +45 143
#note I saw 12B KID but thought it was too many points to give up from L1 KINDS or KINES. I wasn't 100% that KINE took an S since KUNE and KUNA both don't, but KINES is best. KID sims about 6.5 points better than KINES.
>Nancy_Bowen: EOR 1L .ORE +24 143
>Patrick_Beatrez: ADEIIJR 12B JIRD +33 176
#note 10A AJI is much better than JIRD keeping AEI. D11 (A)JI is definitely worth the 13 point sacrifice over JIRD, I got point hungry and should've looked longer for the better play AJI.
>Nancy_Bowen: AENRV 2J VA.NER +42 185
>Patrick_Beatrez: AEEIIQT 6J AI +14 190
#note Probably should trade here, but there is UUU? remaining and I hold onto an I for QI (however I blocked 10B QI with JIRD). B12 (J)EE is better than AI.
>Nancy_Bowen: ELVY 14F V..LEY +22 207
>Patrick_Beatrez: BEEIQTT 13K BET +17 207
#note J8 BET is 23. 13K BITE sets up my Q with the spot likely to be used, and the BITE hooks will also get blocked with a parallel play.
>Nancy_Bowen: FLY K10 FLY.. +32 239
#note Great play.
>Patrick_Beatrez: EIQSTTU N10 QUEST +74 281
#note FLYBY blocked QUIET(E)ST for a ton. Luckily QUEST is still a bingo score.
>Nancy_Bowen: INZ O9 ZIN +25 264
>Patrick_Beatrez: EINRTTU C2 UTTERIN. +70 351
#note Only bingo, honorable mention to INTER(VALLEY).
>Nancy_Bowen: CMW 1A CWM +42 306
>Patrick_Beatrez: EHIIINO 8A HO.E +27 378
#note Poor play, I can still be in trouble after a vowel draw and OXO followed by DIA(ZIN). HONE puts me up 72, if she has ABDOOX? she can play OXO for 52 and I draw into AIIINOU or AGIIINO I am in trouble. 13A HONE blocking the X spot looks better even though I empty the bag and leave III, and 13A ION is similar without leaving 3 I's.
>Nancy_Bowen: OOX 13B OXO +52 358
>Patrick_Beatrez: ABGIIIN 4A BI.ING +24 402
#note I didn't spot the best play of 12J G(Y)NI(E) which threatens 14A AB for 32, so her best play would be to go out with 4A OU(T)AdD. I saw 14A AB where she could go DiA(ZIN) and play out with OU, where after AB-DIAZIN-I(R)ING-OU(D) I win by 11, however I have better with GYNIE instead of IRING and she is better off slowplaying with 12L (Y)O threatening 4A DA(T)Um then when I block she can play DIAZIN and it's a closer final score. After 4A BI(T)ING-DIAZIN-AI I win by 12, one better than what I calculated with AB.
>Nancy_Bowen: ?ADOU 14A Ut +20 378
>Patrick_Beatrez: AI 15B AI +12 414
#note Best.
>Patrick_Beatrez: (ADO) +8 422