Game Details
Player 1
#character-encoding UTF-8
#player1 Joel_Sherman Joel Sherman
#player2 Dustin_Dean Dustin Dean
>Joel_Sherman: AEEGN 8H AGENE +14 14
>Dustin_Dean: ABCEFHY J6 BE.CHY +30 30
J6 BE(E)FY 27
L7 B(E)ACHY 32
>Joel_Sherman: ADEMNSU L5 UNS.AMED +72 86
>Dustin_Dean: AFINTTZ 11E NAZIF. +42 72
#note 5K F(U)TZ 32 keeping AINT
>Joel_Sherman: IX K5 XI +41 127
>Dustin_Dean: ?AIINTT M9 TITANIa +76 148
#note M9 TITANIc 76 scores just as much and is less precarious. Two double-doubles at E5--TAINTI(N)g / INcITA(N)T--score 12 less but avoid the triple lane.
>Joel_Sherman: DIRRT 15J RIT.RD +21 148
>Dustin_Dean: EJNOOOO 12D JOE +24 172
#note G9 OO(Z)E 14
>Joel_Sherman: FLOW 13B FLOW +35 183
>Dustin_Dean: EINOOOP 10A OPINE +20 192
#note 10H OO(H) 13
>Joel_Sherman: ETV A7 VET. +21 204
>Dustin_Dean: EIKLOOQ 9C QI +44 236
>Joel_Sherman: EEGLRTW N3 WERGELT +68 272
>Dustin_Dean: AEKLOOR 14F KAROO +25 261
O1 KOEL 35
H11 (I)ROKO 30

>Joel_Sherman: CLNO O1 CLON +29 301
>Dustin_Dean: ADELRST 15E LADE +30 291
#note 15D TRADE 36
>Joel_Sherman: GU 7A .UG +9 310
>Dustin_Dean: EHRSSTU M1 HUTS +29 320
#note M1 RUTH 32

>Joel_Sherman: AMO O6 OMA +28 338
>Dustin_Dean: DEPRSUV C5 VU. +7 327
C13 (L)UV 6
H10 V(I)D 9
>Joel_Sherman: BI 13G BI +19 357
>Dustin_Dean: ADEOPRS 5C .APORED +26 353
#note 1H SERAP(H) 42
>Joel_Sherman: ?AEIRSY 1G gRAYIS. +39 396
>Dustin_Dean: S 10L ..S +21 374
#note Undercounted by 1.
>Dustin_Dean: (E) +2 376
#note Final score is 396-356 after -20 time penalty.
Player 2
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