Player 1 |
#character-encoding UTF-8
#player1 Susan_Bertoni Susan Bertoni
#player2 Patrick_Beatrez Patrick Beatrez
>Susan_Bertoni: ?AGLORS 8D GLAmORS +68 68
#note GOORALS would not float another letter, but GLAMORS is fine.
>Patrick_Beatrez: ADIOOVV E2 OVOIDA. +22 22
#note Best.
>Susan_Bertoni: EFLT F5 FET.L +22 90
>Patrick_Beatrez: AHIRTVX F1 AX +50 72
#note Best.
>Susan_Bertoni: AELOPRT J1 PROLATE. +64 154
#note Not a word, I thought of POLESTAR but not PETROSAL so I didn't challenge. This is a bad miss, I need to find a challenge here.
>Patrick_Beatrez: EEHIRTV 1H VI.ER +33 105
#note Looks okay, I wanted to keep the plays hooking AXE available. 3C VI(V)E is better on equity and keeps EHRT and give me a chance to bingo next turn. Championship player likes VIPER best.
>Susan_Bertoni: BELW 3I B.WEL +26 180
>Patrick_Beatrez: BEEHIIT 3C HI.E +30 135
#note 3A THIE(V)E is good, but 3C HI(V)E sets up an S hook that I don't have that could help keep the board open long term. I think HIVE is the best play.
>Susan_Bertoni: DET 2B DET.. +33 213
>Patrick_Beatrez: ABEIRTU 4H BA.ER +33 168
#note BAILER looks better than BALER, K3 (W)AB is also a nice option.
>Susan_Bertoni: IMN 1A NIM +26 239
>Patrick_Beatrez: CEINNTU H7 C.NTINUE +61 229
#note Only bingo, has to be played.
>Susan_Bertoni: MOSUY 15E YUMS +60 299
>Susan_Bertoni: MOSUY -- -60 239
>Patrick_Beatrez: ?ACDIII 15E ACID +57 286
#note Huge turnaround, she had SUMY with those tiles (or MOUSY she said) and phonies, giving me the shot at the spot. I got too excited about the change of events and just played ACID, INDICIA for 116 would've been a killer.
>Susan_Bertoni: OSU 1H .....OUS +39 278
>Patrick_Beatrez: ?AEIIIT 12G I.ItIATE +64 350
#note Only bingo.
>Susan_Bertoni: AARSY O8 RAYAS +36 314
>Patrick_Beatrez: DJKOTUY M9 JUT.Y +46 396
#note Best.
>Susan_Bertoni: ORZ K9 ZOR. +26 340
>Patrick_Beatrez: DEKNOQS 11G Q. +22 418
#note D1 S(TI)NKO is a nice overlap, but I'm concerned about getting Q stuck there. I saw *TINK in that spot but didn't think about STINK or STINKO.
>Susan_Bertoni: EH J10 HE. +28 368
#note 5I H(A)E is 32 with the same tiles.
>Patrick_Beatrez: DEGKNOS D2 ..NG +21 439
#note 5I G(A)D is better, I didn't see the spot there. Bad board vision.
>Susan_Bertoni: EMN 5I M.NE +34 402
>Patrick_Beatrez: DEFGKOS 14G K.DGE +21 460
#note K(E)EFS is best, and K(E)DGES is much better than K(E)DGE since I guarantee an out, I should've thought for a little longer here and I had time to figure that out.
>Susan_Bertoni: NOPUW 14C WON +8 410
#note 14D UP is best.
>Patrick_Beatrez: FOS D12 FO. +12 472
#note Best.
>Susan_Bertoni: PU O1 .UP +5 415
#note Best.
>Susan_Bertoni: (S) +2 417