Player 1 |
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#player1 Patrick_Beatrez Patrick Beatrez
#player2 Eric_Goldstein Eric Goldstein
>Patrick_Beatrez: BEIIIRU -BIIU +0 0
#note Looks good, BER and ER are better on static equity but I like EIR over ER since my vowels make the pool slightly more consonant heavy than it started. I don't want to keep the B since it's not a great tile, if it was an M or a P then I would probably have kept it.
>Eric_Goldstein: BEINZ 8D ZINEB +52 52
>Patrick_Beatrez: ?CEIRTT E3 TITCh.ER +68 68
#note (B)RaTTICE was tough, but I should've found E4 TERm(I)TIC for 86. I also saw TRIsECT as a 7 but totally whiffed on hooking ZINEBS for 76, 8 more than TITCHIER.
>Eric_Goldstein: DDERRY 9G DYED +24 76
>Patrick_Beatrez: AGJLNWY 4B JAW.NG +34 102
#note Looks good, I need to get rid of the J over YAWL(I)NG.
>Eric_Goldstein: OQU J6 QOU. +34 110
#note Unfortunate for both of us here, him slapping down a phony and me not noticing after. It's not like it's a very consequential phony, but I should still notice this.
>Patrick_Beatrez: EFLLVXY C2 FL.XY +36 138
#note Best by a lot.
>Eric_Goldstein: EMNPRS 10J SPERM +34 144
>Eric_Goldstein: EMNPRS -- -34 110
>Patrick_Beatrez: EELLSUV G4 .ULL.. +9 147
#note He scored his play as 35, which I noticed was incorrect. I still hadn't noticed the phony at that point and probably wouldn't have noticed had he scored his play properly. However, once I recounted the play a few times I noticed *QOUD and challenged his play off. Now, knowing that he has an S and a bunch of consonants, I have a difficult turn. I was going to play (Q)UELL or (O)VULE most likely, but now he can just hook it with SPERM and score a lot. Nothing is good here, I think trading to ELS might be best.
>Eric_Goldstein: EMNPRS 7I P.RN +9 119
>Patrick_Beatrez: ADEEFSV M3 FAVES +32 179
#note I had set down 8L EAVE since it is a vowel-heavy pool, but thought better of it since I know he is struggling with consonants after SPERM and PORN. I don't want to float him an E that could help him a lot, so FAVES scoring well looks best.
>Eric_Goldstein: AM B4 .AM +40 159
#note He had a B here, he should play JAMB for sure.
>Patrick_Beatrez: DEEEHIR L1 HEED +35 214
#note Looks necessary.
>Eric_Goldstein: BEEIRST 1L .ERB +27 186
#note Fortunately he doesn't have a bingo here, HERB looks good.
>Patrick_Beatrez: EHIOORT D8 .OOIER +34 248
#note ZOOIER looks better than ZOOTIER with the vowel-consonant ratio.
>Eric_Goldstein: CEINOST 13B CO.NIEST +74 260
#note Best bingo.
>Patrick_Beatrez: AHIMSTU B11 MU.H +22 270
#note Here's where the game went downhill. I knew the word MUTCH but wasn't 1000% of the word, so I decided to just go for MUCH. There are 4 Os left and I don't have any of them, this is just giving him an easy 40 point play a lot of the time. If I'm going to talk myself off of playing MUTCH (which I should just be playing anyway), then MAT(C)H is a MUCH better play. Championship player likes a couple of interesting plays even better than MUTCH, namely 8L UTA setting up my S and holding scoring tiles (but he is drawing 7 fresh tiles into 33 with S? out) as well as N1 (R)UTH for 27 setting up an S hook with DAHS but also potentially an L. I still think MUTCH is the play here, I don't need to go crazy and I'm taking a nice little lead of 24 and will likely be mildly in the driver's seat. MUCH is a horrible play that deserves to lose me the game.
>Eric_Goldstein: AAKNT A8 KATA +28 288
#note He wasn't sure of TANKA so he played KATA instead.
>Patrick_Beatrez: AIIPSST H12 P.IS +27 297
#note Setting up a sneaky A hook with APSIS, but with how vowel-heavy the pool is at 14V-11C-1B I should just get rid of the A and keep IST.
>Eric_Goldstein: DEGL F10 GEL.D +23 311
>Patrick_Beatrez: AAIISTU K5 AI. +17 314
#note He blocked by A hook unintentionally and I drew all vowels. I think AI(R) is fine, but trading all the vowels back might be a better move to give me a chance at an E and a blank. The game is likely going to come down to either who bingos, or who can set up an out bingo.
>Eric_Goldstein: NOTW 15A TOWN +36 347
>Patrick_Beatrez: AAIRSTU 12H .AUA +8 322
#note Play off 2 vowels, draw another 2. I think 8L UTA setting up an S play is needed now, keeping AIRS and putting him in a tough spot if he doesn't have the blank. There is even a possibility since I'm leaving 3 in the bag that if he burns the blank to hook UTAS, that I could bingo out and win since I'm keeping AIRS.
>Eric_Goldstein: OV 2J VO. +14 361
>Patrick_Beatrez: EEIIRST 2B E. +10 332
#note 2B E(F) is a poor play, my plan was to go for N? and either have 15H (S)INISTER or O1 (B)RINIEST, but with EF he will have BIGAROON no matter what. N1 (R)E would block BIGAROON and still allow me to have BRINIEST and would win 2/8.
>Eric_Goldstein: ?AINOOR O1 .IgAROON +80 441
#note Or BORONIAS.
>Eric_Goldstein: (EGIIRST) +16 457