Player 1 |
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#player1 Mack_Meller Mack Meller
#player2 Patrick_Beatrez Patrick Beatrez
>Mack_Meller: AEIIIPT -III +0 0
#note Very close between PIETA for 20 leaving II or trading, I think trading was the right decision.
>Patrick_Beatrez: ADEFORU H7 FOU +12 12
>Mack_Meller: ABEILPT 10G BLIP +21 21
>Patrick_Beatrez: ADELRSW K7 WARSLED +81 93
>Mack_Meller: ABDETVY 8K .BYED +42 63
#note L12 DAVY is better on static equity but he needs to use the hotspot.
>Patrick_Beatrez: ?ENOORT O1 uNROOTE. +77 170
>Mack_Meller: AEKRTTV L12 TEAK +33 96
>Patrick_Beatrez: HHIINRU M10 HUH +15 185
#note Tough turn. I didn't spot 13I HI(DE)R which scores much better than HUH. Every play here leaves a mediocre leave, so I may as well take the 26 points with HIDER.
>Mack_Meller: ?ORTUUV 3H TROUVeU. +72 168
>Patrick_Beatrez: IINORTT - +0 185
#note Not a great decision to challenge here. I have INTROIT that would have played next to FOUL before his bingo. I somewhat recognized the word but wasn't 100% on validity, so I decided since if the word comes off I pretty much win the game on the spot and if it stays on, then he might give me a spot to bingo. However, he's likely to use the T or the K and not give me a new spot. I should just play (K)NIT and keep working towards another bingo and I'm still in a good position.
>Mack_Meller: AEINOQS H1 QA. +36 204
>Patrick_Beatrez: IINORTT 15L .NIT +24 209
>Mack_Meller: AEIINOS 4D IONISE +30 234
#note Now he's overloaded with vowels, IONISE looks correct over fishing off some vowels.
>Patrick_Beatrez: EEIOPRT J12 TOPE +23 232
#note Tough turn, I decided to create another line to prevent getting shut in while I'm at a slight deficit. I don't want to play L1 PI(V)OT since it doesn't really get me closer to a bingo and I will be running out of ways to score.
>Mack_Meller: AAAENNT 6F ANA +13 247
>Patrick_Beatrez: AEIIMRS L1 MA.IE +26 258
#note I didn't spot 2H (A)IM, but now that he blocked the FOULS hook the S isn't as valuable and AEIRS isn't that close to a bingo anymore. MAVIE looks fine.
>Mack_Meller: AEGLNRT D2 TR.ANGLE +60 307
>Patrick_Beatrez: DIMRSVX 14N XI +38 296
#note 5C V(A)X is a huge miss.
>Mack_Meller: DEGINSZ 10B ZED +44 351
>Patrick_Beatrez: DEMORSV 15G MOV. +27 323
>Mack_Meller: GIILNSW E10 SWIG +30 381
#note Blocking ZEDA and the line over MOVE. I think this is a savvy decision, since he's leaving 6 in the bag and giving me one shot to bingo. If I do bingo, then he'll have the opportunity to go out in 2 from starting at about a 20 point deficit.
>Patrick_Beatrez: CDEERRS 12A DECR.ERS +78 401
#note Only bingo. Quackle puts me at 48% to win from here, but I'm not sure how accurate it is. I thought if he had no vowels with SWIG then I have a shot at him not being able to go out in 2 since there aren't any easy-to-use vowels available on this board anymore.
>Mack_Meller: ACEILNY 2B LY.IC +32 413
#note 2A LEN(T)IC setting up 1A AY is best. LYTIC wins.
>Patrick_Beatrez: AFGIJO - +0 401
#note 14F JAG/JOG is best and I saw that they lose by 5, so since I wasn't 1000% on LYTIC I decided to challenge.
>Mack_Meller: AEN A12 .EAN +15 428
#note Best, same as the stylish 7D (G)ANE(F).
>Mack_Meller: (AFGIJO) +34 462