Player 1 |
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#player1 Josh_Sokol-Rubenstein Josh Sokol-Rubenstein
#player2 Jackson Jackson
>Josh_Sokol-Rubenstein: ADHNOTT H7 NTH +12 12
#note Q prefers just DOTH here, while NTH is nice for defense.
>Jackson: AEGITUW 9D WAUG. +14 14
#note UNTHAW is pretty trippy. looks very close with WAUGH and WHIG
>Josh_Sokol-Rubenstein: ?AADOTZ 8C ZOA +21 33
#note WAUGHT/TAD is cool for the setup, but looks a bit too cute. ZOA wins a sim, and I am surprised how quickly Josh came up with it. I think I would have been tempted towards DOAT or something, but ZOA is actually super defensive and saves great tiles for the WAUGHT hook and hitting abingo off anything I open. TOpAZ is good too, the sim is really close between ZOA, TOPAZ, and DATO 8A. Good to note that DATO is better than DOAT - the 8a spot is actually pretty good for scoring, and also gives little back, which is often the problem with plays like WAUGH.
>Jackson: AEGIRST I9 TRIAGES +75 89
#note totally spaced that GAITERS fits with WAUGHT, horrible mistake
>Josh_Sokol-Rubenstein: ?ADLMRT 11G TR.MoDAL +70 103
#note TRAMADOL is the highest scoring bingo here. This is phony, I held for a while. Looks so bad, shoulda trusted the gut
>Jackson: EMNOSUX J13 OX +53 142
>Josh_Sokol-Rubenstein: CDEOTUV 15D COVET. +42 145
>Jackson: EEMNNSU 12K MEN +21 163
#note RUMEN 10I looks like a better version of this, even though I block WAUGHTS it is too solid otherwise.
>Josh_Sokol-Rubenstein: DEINOTU 14I ..ITED +28 173
#note I dont mind TOLUIDE for some aggressive action. Tthat and TOLUID sim best. EXEUNT might be a better version than this, looks close. A few poitns back
>Jackson: ?DEFNSU J3 FoNDUES +78 241
>Josh_Sokol-Rubenstein: AHINORU 10F HO +30 203
>Jackson: AAIOSTY K4 YA +18 259
#note SATAY could be good here too, for 37. I like this path of YA though. RYA sims about 8 ahead just for aggression, unsure... the pool is pretty bad, so he is not very likely to bingo, so this might be a good time to pounce with a big rack advantage. Hard to say that YA is better, but the longterm potential is definitely there.
>Josh_Sokol-Rubenstein: ACINQRU 10A QUIN +21 224
>Jackson: AEIORST A10 .I +11 270
#note I was worried he was part way to a QINDAR type play, and could have easily held a U. QI wins a sim
>Josh_Sokol-Rubenstein: AAABCOR I4 BAA +18 242
#note CARABAO is a word, and it plays at G1
>Jackson: AEIORST L4 OSIER +32 302
#note loved AT against the pool, plus scoring well, killing the board etc. BOYO is a reasonable fish just to counter him potentially scraping his way back bit by bit, but I am still comfortable with OSIER. Could do TAO as a middling measure
>Josh_Sokol-Rubenstein: ACLOPRR M9 PR..C. +26 268
>Jackson: ABGIPTW 7E BAW. +18 320
#note maybe playing too scared at this point, where he could easily come back with a 15 row play. AW 15N is actually very reasionable. Q likes PIG/POSIER, hard to imagine doing that with range and all. BAWN sims third behind those two, it just setsup PE or PO with a lot of draws to counter PRANCE hooking plays, plus blocks the G column
>Josh_Sokol-Rubenstein: AILLNOR 15L ORAL +32 300
>Jackson: EGIIOPT 6F PE +25 345
#note plethora of Es lurking
>Josh_Sokol-Rubenstein: DEIKLNR B9 L.NKIER +24 324
>Josh_Sokol-Rubenstein: DEIKLNR -- -24 300
>Jackson: GIIJOOT N6 GOJI +20 365
>Josh_Sokol-Rubenstein: DEIKLNR C6 RE. +13 313
>Jackson: EIILOST O8 OE +38 403
>Josh_Sokol-Rubenstein: DEFIKLN B2 KNIFED +39 352
>Jackson: EIILNST A4 LI +11 414
>Josh_Sokol-Rubenstein: ELUVY C10 .VY +9 361
>Jackson: EINST 4A ..NIEST +14 428
>Jackson: (ELU) +6 434