Player 1 |
#player1 Kwak Kwak
#player2 Dave Dave
>Kwak: CEEINSX 8D XENIC +44 44
>Dave: ?EOORRT 7A TOREROs +71 71
#note I looked for a while, but I failed to find my double-double. This is the second highest scoring bingo.
>Kwak: AEGHRRS H8 .HARGERS +98 142
>Dave: BEEINNT A4 BIT.EN +33 104
>Kwak: DGLRTUZ 10H .DZ +33 175
>Dave: DEMNNUV D4 UNV..ED +36 140
>Kwak: ABGLRTU 13C BURGL. +20 195
>Dave: DIMNNOO 15A MIDNOON. +86 226
#note No complaints with the way this has started.
>Kwak: AAEIILT 11H .EALIA +26 221
#note A fantastic play by the duck that many humans would miss. Note that it's a plural-only noun, so no S hook.
>Dave: AEGJMPW L10 J.MP +30 256
#note Kibitzer likes VAMP 6D or JAM 12B, but this seems to make more sense based on the shape of the board. I take out his most likely bingo lines and the ADZE hook. Usually it benefits the human player to face Quackle on the tight board. But I started suffocating pretty soon.
>Kwak: AEHIITT F3 TITH..IA +21 242
>Dave: AAEGOUW C7 .AW +34 290
>Kwak: AEEIOPR 14A OPE +28 270
>Dave: AEGIOTU 12J GA.E +24 314
#note This scores highest and keeps the board tight. But the problem is that with the all one point tile leave I'm unlikely to be able to score on the next turn. Still, it's possible Quack won't be able to do much either. Maybe its suggestion of UNITAGE is better, despite giving the opponent more options. It's hard to say.
>Kwak: AEEEIOR -AEEIO +0 270
>Dave: CILOSTU 5D .U. +6 320
#note I didn't know what to do here. I have a pretty nice rack, but I can't score much and the chance of me getting any bingos down is low. I figured maybe the thing to do was wait for him to open something up for me. But I missed one better play: dropping the C at 9G.
>Kwak: AEEFKRY 14J FEYER +57 327
#note Dang it! A huge score that puts me in a bind, *and* another word that doesn't take an S hook.
>Dave: CEILOST 15M SEC +19 339
#note If I had seen the C spot, maybe the play here is to drop it and hope to draw an A for TOTALISE. But without that, what to do? I felt like I had to take what points I could get in the corner and not let him have them. It looks funny to spend the S, but it's not doing me any good on this board!
>Kwak: ?AADKOU B2 UDO +12 339
>Dave: FIILOOT C2 TO +12 351
#note Not a happy move to make, but what else can I do here? It's likely he just set up the K, so this at least takes away row 1 plays. Despite my crappy rack, I have a decent chance if I just play slow and let him draw into the Q, which may prove impossible to play.
>Kwak: ?AAKLTV D1 KA +14 353
>Dave: FIIILOY 1D .I +6 357
#note Again a misery of a rack, but at least drawing the last I increases the chance of him getting stuck with the Q. KOI makes it harder for him to extend to the triple, but more than doubles my chance of drawing the Q.
>Kwak: ?ALSTVW 1D ..VAS +36 389
#note Doh! After all that "patience," I'm rewarded by drawing the Q on a one tile play, getting hit by a 36 point play, and seeing that he's probably got a bingo while I've got drek. Don't you love Scrabble?
>Dave: FIILOQY G1 .LIF +16 373
#note I have to do something like this to stop him from bingoing. Meanwhile, I have no chance to use the Q and will get annihilated in this endgame.
>Kwak: ?ELNSTW 12A WEaN +30 419
>Dave: AIOQY N12 YO.. +18 391
>Kwak: LST F3 ........S +12 431
>Dave: AIQ 12G A. +5 396
#note I can't even stop his outplay with LI 2G, because it allows LILT.
>Kwak: LT 3F ..LT +5 436
>Kwak: (IQ) +22 458
#note Grrrrr...