Player 1 |
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#player1 Dave_Cameron Dave Cameron
#player2 Patrick_Beatrez Patrick Beatrez
>Dave_Cameron: ABIO H6 OBIA +12 12
>Patrick_Beatrez: DDERSWZ G9 ZED +44 44
>Dave_Cameron: EEP I9 PEE +25 37
>Patrick_Beatrez: DIRSTUW F10 WIT +30 74
#note 11E WI(D)D(E)RS for 48 is slightly better on equity and doesn't give back the scoring spot that WIT does, I didn't spot the double double.
>Dave_Cameron: EIMN E8 MIEN +26 63
>Dave_Cameron: EIMN -- -26 37
>Patrick_Beatrez: ?DKLRSU E11 LURK +26 100
#note Another double double available, K(ID)D(E)RS is best. LURKS also plays for 35 making (ID)L(E).
>Dave_Cameron: EIMN 14B MIN.E +26 63
>Patrick_Beatrez: ?DEOPSU 15F SPOUsED +85 185
#note D8 OUtSPE(N)D is a nice overlap that I couldn't make work during the game, SPOUSED or SPOUTED are best.
>Dave_Cameron: AAG G5 AGA +13 76
>Patrick_Beatrez: DEEIIOR 12H OREIDE +22 207
#note I definitely don't want to play 14J OREIDE slotting the E in a dangerous position, but 15A EIDE for 28 looks even better.
>Dave_Cameron: FNU 15A FUN +24 100
>Patrick_Beatrez: ILLNOVX 11K XI +39 246
#note M9 VOX(E)L is much better.
>Dave_Cameron: AENRSST 4G SARSNET +71 171
#note He has N9 placement for 2 more points but wanted to keep the board more accessible in the future. It is going to take a lot for him to come back, he is still down a bingo and a turn after his bingo.
>Patrick_Beatrez: GLLNOTV 5C VOLT. +16 262
#note Nothing good here, this looks fine.
>Dave_Cameron: JLW D4 J.WL +28 199
>Patrick_Beatrez: GILNOQR J2 QI. +32 294
>Dave_Cameron: COR H1 ORC. +18 217
>Patrick_Beatrez: AGILNOR 13A LAG +21 315
#note Not sure what to do here, I don't have anywhere great to bingo without an S hook so I don't want to fish here. I decide to score as well as I can without opening up a triple triple with 14J ORIGAN.
>Dave_Cameron: CIMOR 14K MICRO +25 242
>Patrick_Beatrez: ?EINORS N2 ROSINEd +74 389
#note Nothing through the O, I decided to do the best blocking of the triple triple that I could.
>Dave_Cameron: DHU 10L DUH +20 262
>Patrick_Beatrez: AEFGNNO O5 FANON +36 425
>Dave_Cameron: ITVY 8A TIVY +64 326
>Patrick_Beatrez: BEEEGHT O11 BEG.T +27 452
#note I can slowplay this endgame, F5 (T)EG appears to be best saving 15N EH.
>Dave_Cameron: AAATY I6 AY +25 351
#note I4 (R)AYA is best since I don't have to out with my next move after AY.
>Patrick_Beatrez: EEH A10 HEE. +8 460
#note D12 HE(N) for 30 is a nice fit making LAGER, I didn't see the spot at all.
>Patrick_Beatrez: (AAT) +6 466