Game Details
Player 1
#character-encoding UTF-8
#player1 Arie_Sinke Arie Sinke
#player2 Mack_Meller Mack Meller
>Arie_Sinke: AAABFNO 8G OAF +12 12
#note Tough opening rack. Nothing really appeals. Exchanging doesn't seem to be worth the point sacrifice here. Quackle puts FAB slightly ahead for the extra four points despite the truly frightening AANO leave. I thought that AABN had enough synergy to it to be worth the point sacrifice. Guess not.
>Mack_Meller: GU I8 .UG +8 8
>Arie_Sinke: AABENOS 7F OBA +17 29
#note This appears to be called for.
>Mack_Meller: ACEIRRT G5 AR..RETIC +67 75
>Arie_Sinke: AAEILNS 13G .ANALISE +72 101
#note Mack successfully bluffed me with ARBORETIC here. I know he studies nines and I don't, so I'm an easy target. It would have been very hard to challenge, given that he created a spot for me to play an eight, but it would be truly optimal to challenge ARBORETIC off and then fish off the A.
>Mack_Meller: EEGINRT 5E GR.TINEE +86 161
>Arie_Sinke: AHIRSTY L1 HYST.RIA +88 189
#note Best bingo.
>Mack_Meller: FNO H12 F.NO +42 203
>Arie_Sinke: AEGNTTV 1K T.ANG +27 216
#note I don't love keeping the V but I didn't find the alternatives compelling. Quackle thinks I should play GANEV in one of two spots (8K or N10) and accept leaving the H open and keeping two Ts in my leave. Even GENEVA N10, creating a scoring spot with the A and leaving TT, does better than my play in the sim. I guess the V is really bad here.
>Mack_Meller: CDEORW O8 CROWED +51 254
>Arie_Sinke: ADEITUV H1 DUVE. +30 246
#note This looks best.
>Mack_Meller: IQ 12L QI +46 300
>Arie_Sinke: AINPRTU F10 PUR +29 275
#note Best by far.
>Mack_Meller: KNOZ K8 ZONK +45 345
>Arie_Sinke: ?AILNTT 2C ANTIc.LT +61 336
#note This is my highest scoring bingo by a margin of three points.
>Mack_Meller: DEIV 1A VIDE +33 378
>Arie_Sinke: DEJLMMO N10 JO +55 391
#note Best.
>Mack_Meller: ISX 14J XIS +65 443
>Arie_Sinke: DEHLLMM 3A MELD +26 417
#note This is probably the play where the game begins to unravel. I saw and eschewed a bunch of my weaker options but missed my good ones. My best play by far here is probably MM 3B for 24, which sets up the front H hook. I will often respond with a six down to A8 for 43+, which will sometimes be enough to eke out a win. I did correctly note that the pool was vowel heavy so there was no need to be concerned about a consonant heavy leave, but HLM just doesn't go anywhere often enough.
>Mack_Meller: ?EEEEOP 3H .OE +12 455
>Arie_Sinke: HLMOSWY E8 WHOM +39 456
#note In theory this should win more than 50% of the time.
>Mack_Meller: ?ABEIPU D7 BAUd +22 477
#note Mack has a bunch of winning plays here - this is one of them. He has to block SEELY D11 without setting up something else. sEPIA D11 will go out next turn and is a slightly better alternative, by two points.
>Arie_Sinke: EELSY M4 ES +14 470
#note This is my best option - blocks both of Mack's outs while threatening to go out myself.
>Mack_Meller: EIP M8 PI +19 496
>Arie_Sinke: ELY O1 .LEY +12 482
#note I can get some extra spread points with EELY B3, but I would still lose by 9.
>Arie_Sinke: (E) +2 484
Player 2
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