Player 1 |
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#player1 Kristy_Zurbrick Kristy Zurbrick
#player2 Patrick_Beatrez Patrick Beatrez
>Kristy_Zurbrick: IIII -IIII +0 0
>Patrick_Beatrez: AEFNRST H7 FAN +12 12
#note Typical dilemma between trading the F and playing FAN for 12, I think 12 points is too much to give up especially since I'm keeping ERST. Sim probably isn't of much use here.
>Kristy_Zurbrick: BEIV G6 VIBE +24 24
>Patrick_Beatrez: ERRSSTV 10D REVS +25 37
#note Blocking the A that I need to bingo. REVS looks good.
>Kristy_Zurbrick: ?AGINNT E5 ANTIG.Ne +82 106
#note ANTIGENE and ANTIGENS are the only double-doubles. I was surprised that she would make the blank an E and not an S to give back the S-hook.
>Patrick_Beatrez: AEIRSST 13B ARTSIES +75 112
#note She blocked my double-double of SERIAT(E)S, ARTSIES looks best.
>Kristy_Zurbrick: DEIJ D3 JEDI +29 135
#note F2 JEDI plays for 1 more point.
>Patrick_Beatrez: ACEGKOT 3D .OCK +22 134
#note No S for a bingo here. D8 GA(R)OT(T)E and B9 OATC(A)KE are cool plays but probably too crazy to actually play. GAROTTE is by far the best on equity, but it takes DRS and gets burned a lot of the time. JOCK looks fine, but maybe GAROTTE is a good thing when I'm at a slight deficit. I didn't spot GAROTTE, so JOCK it is.
>Kristy_Zurbrick: ?EEINPW 12G WEEPINg +82 217
#note WEEPING or PINWEED are the only bingos.
>Patrick_Beatrez: AAEGNTX 14A AXE +40 174
#note 14A AX keeping the E is much better, especially since it guarantees me an overlap play next turn. I didn't even think about it over AXE.
>Kristy_Zurbrick: AHO H1 HAO +36 253
>Patrick_Beatrez: AGINORT K5 RIGATON. +86 260
>Kristy_Zurbrick: AG J10 GA. +19 272
>Patrick_Beatrez: ACELORU 15A REC +36 296
#note 15A RECOAL is the star play here, I could not spot anything good. 15C COLURE is also better to not keep such a vulnerable leave.
>Kristy_Zurbrick: Q 6J Q. +31 303
>Patrick_Beatrez: AELOOTU C5 OLEO +12 308
#note Missing L7 OLEO for 5 more points. M9 OUT(G)O for 10 is probably even better, I didn't spot it through the blank.
>Kristy_Zurbrick: MM I1 MM +17 320
>Patrick_Beatrez: AOPRTUY 8J P.YOUT +45 353
#note Nowhere for OUTPRAY, this is clearly the best by far.
>Kristy_Zurbrick: D 11I D.. +7 327
#note If she's already holding the S then F13 (I)D looks good if she's going to just fish off the D.
>Patrick_Beatrez: AAFILLR M10 AL.AL +8 361
#note Given that she has an S here, the sim likes 8A AI(O)L(I) the best for some reason. I don't see why it would want me to float an A for her to potentially bingo through. AL(G)AL was trying to block the (ES)S hook, but is probably too weak compared to D10 (R)AF(T) for 24.
>Kristy_Zurbrick: T G12 ..T +6 333
>Patrick_Beatrez: DFIIRRU 14L F.IR +14 375
#note 14J FUR(L) is significantly better than my play of F(L)IR.
>Kristy_Zurbrick: DEILNOS O5 LEN.OIDS +60 393
>Patrick_Beatrez: DEIRTUY N2 TYRED +35 410
#note I only really considered DEY, TRIED, TRUED, TYRED, and B8 YURT. Quackle likes 8A DU(O) the best to block her likely next play of WUZ. DUO only wins with an H draw, since without the H she can score too much with the AHI spot. After the H draw, she will play N5 EH, I play 4L TRY, she dumps the Z with N13 B(I)Z, then I get N10 HI/HE and go out with my last vowel and she can only play off one of OUU. N4 DEY has the idea of keeping the T so B8 WUZ isn't possible due to the TWO hook. DEY appears to only win with a Z draw, since if she has the O then she can play ZO(O) instead of WUZ and she will have another decent scoring play. If I draw the O, then she can still win with WUZ since I don't have an out or a high enough scoring play with TWO. TYRED never wins if she finds the right sequences in the endgame.
>Kristy_Zurbrick: BEOUUWZ B8 WUZ +40 433
#note If she has the H and the Z, then she wins easily since she'll score too much with WUZ and the H. If I draw the Z, then she can block my only spot of 2M ZI(T) with something like WH(Y) and I am Z-stuck. In the game, I drew the H and she has to find a somewhat tricky move after WUZ and she had less than 2 minutes to figure it out. WUZ is the best play and wins, while M1 WEB was possible since I can't score much, it'll follow up with 7A HU(E), E1 ZO(O), then I go out with A7 (H)I and lose by a few points. She can play 3K BUO(Y) and transpose to what she should have done in the game. She can also play the tricky 3L BU(Y) or BO(Y), where I have to drop the U with 2J (AM)U or else I'm U stuck, and she scores with L1 ZE(B)U and wins.
>Patrick_Beatrez: HIU 2H ..U +7 417
#note If I play N10 HI now, then she can U-stick me with 2K BOU(T) as her best endgame, or she can outrun with BUO(Y) or OBE(Y) as well as M3 BO/BE, along with a couple other moves. I decided to drop the U and make her find one of those plays with her clock dwindling. AMU is my best endgame move anyway.
>Kristy_Zurbrick: BEOU 11M .U. +4 437
#note M3 BE/BO are her best endgame moves since they score enough to hold on and win comfortably. I had seen that she has 3K OBE(Y) or BUO(Y) that both win by 1, and I didn't spot 7K (G)OB that wins by 2 for her.
>Patrick_Beatrez: HI O1 HI +17 434
#note Only winning move.
>Patrick_Beatrez: (BEO) +10 444