Player 1 |
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#player1 Daniel_Stock Daniel Stock
#player2 Patrick_Beatrez Patrick Beatrez
>Daniel_Stock: IJNOT 8D JOINT +40 40
>Patrick_Beatrez: AGGLNOT 9C GO +14 14
#note I saw the opportunity for TAGALONG, but totally whiffed on GLOATING that he gave me.
>Daniel_Stock: AIO G8 .AOI +5 45
>Patrick_Beatrez: AEEGLNT 11B GELAT.NE +68 82
#note B9 ELEGANT plays for 6 more points but opens up an S hook with SEGO. LEGATINE wouldn't give a new S hook, but JOINTS is already available so I don't think it really matters.
>Daniel_Stock: ?EILOOW H1 WOOLIEs. +83 128
>Patrick_Beatrez: AFINRTY 12C FAY +32 114
#note No N for INFANTRY. I didn't see the possibility of H10 I(N)FANT for 41 which is probably best, but FAY isn't far behind.
>Daniel_Stock: LUU 4F LU.U +4 132
>Patrick_Beatrez: AIMNORT 3G M.N +19 133
#note Somehow no bingos play here. 3G M(O)NITOR for 36 is clearly best since it scores too much to pass up. M(O)N is a weak play that leaves me vulnerable to vowel problems, something like 13A MOT for 3 more points would leave AINR which is more balanced.
>Daniel_Stock: IQ 5E QI +24 156
>Patrick_Beatrez: AEEIORT 6C ARIE +22 155
#note AERIE scores 3 more and keeps OT instead of EOT.
>Daniel_Stock: FIR 13A RIF +30 186
>Patrick_Beatrez: AEEOTTW A13 .OW +18 173
#note Talking myself off of TROW thinking that it was only TROU that was good. TROW is significantly better and doesn't leave me with two duplicates, also scoring 6 more.
>Daniel_Stock: ADOP 12I DOPA +17 203
>Patrick_Beatrez: AEEISTT 13K EAT +12 185
#note Again no bingos with this. EAT looks fine. Maybe ATE instead of EAT to not allow the EATH hook potentially.
>Daniel_Stock: UV C5 V.U +7 210
>Patrick_Beatrez: EINNSTT N8 TENNIST +72 257
>Daniel_Stock: EO O7 OE +12 222
>Patrick_Beatrez: DEHKLTV 1H .HELK +20 277
#note I saw 6K VELDT for 16, but didn't see 14G VELDT for 18 and blocking the TENNISTS hook nicely. I didn't see K9 KEL(PE)D for 26 which also blocks that hook, KELPED is probably the best play even though it keeps HTV. It scores nicely and prevents the disaster results of him bingoing on the bottom row. WHELK doesn't block anything off, it just gets rid of consonants and scores 20.
>Daniel_Stock: EY M9 YE +20 242
>Patrick_Beatrez: CDRTUVX L7 CURD +18 295
#note Champ likes my placement of CURD to block the easier 7 line to hit. However, he has clearly been fishing for the last 3 or so turns and he's probably sitting on at least an S and very close to a bingo, so sacrificing to play CURD/PED is probably prudent at this time.
>Daniel_Stock: ADEHIRS 15H DEHAIRS +94 336
>Patrick_Beatrez: ?PRTVXZ 2J Xi +50 345
#note Tough position here, I am down 41 but I badly need vowels. I considered exchanging keeping X? for the X bomb, but I thought I was better off playing XI for 50 and hoping for vowels. Exchanging is probably better even though I am down a lot, there's also the possiblity of (WHELK)IER.
>Daniel_Stock: BBES 3K EBBS +18 354
>Patrick_Beatrez: ADPRTVZ 10I ZA +26 371
#note N3 (S)PAZ for 35 is clearly much better than ZA. I'm very likely to get bingoed out on, but I need to take the shot for more vowels. Stuff like MARGINS, MARINES, CARMINE, IMAGERS, GAINERS all fit at the bottom row. If I sacrifice to play 14G ZAP for 21 then I'm likely to get outrun anyway, so I think I need to take the shot with SPAZ, which he would've bingoed out on anyway in this game.
>Daniel_Stock: AGIMNRS 14D MARGINS +76 430
>Daniel_Stock: (CDEPRTV) +30 460