Game Details
Player 1
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#player1 Steve_Grob Steve Grob
#player2 Patrick_Beatrez Patrick Beatrez
>Steve_Grob: ABIO H5 OBIA +12 12
>Patrick_Beatrez: EMRSTWZ 5E ZER. +26 26
#note 7G W(I)Z scores better and keeps much better.
>Steve_Grob: AGR 6D GAR +21 33
>Patrick_Beatrez: AEMSTVW G7 MAW +24 50
#note Static puts C5 VAW for 18 as better than G7 MAW for 24. There's also actually another play for AVW, with F2 WAV(ER) for 19. I thought that I would be better off taking the extra points with MAW since ESTV is still a decent bingo leave if I can draw a couple vowels.
>Steve_Grob: DIPR 7B DRIP +25 58
>Patrick_Beatrez: EESSTUV 8A VEES +34 84
#note Didn't get an R, this is clearly best.
>Steve_Grob: ILSTU I2 TULSI +24 82
>Patrick_Beatrez: AOOSTTU J6 TOUT +13 97
#note I didn't see J6 OUTTA, this or OUTA is probably best. TOUT is a poor play that can easily put me into vowel trouble.
>Steve_Grob: ABCEG 3H C.BAGE +22 104
>Patrick_Beatrez: AAEIIOS L2 A.IO +10 107
#note AGIO for 10 or 4I (L)IAISE for 26, I don't like opening the big D spot with LIAISE with such a tight board and no great scoring opportunities.
>Steve_Grob: FNW 2K F.WN +30 134
>Patrick_Beatrez: AEIKRSU 1M AUK +29 136
#note KAURIES for 74. I didn't think KAURI could also be pluralized with an ES. AUK is still a nice play to even up the game and keep EIRS, but this is definitely a missed opportunity especially with ?? still unseen.
>Steve_Grob: ELX K5 LEX +39 173
>Patrick_Beatrez: AEIRRST 10A TARRIES +70 206
>Steve_Grob: EOV C10 .OVE +14 187
>Patrick_Beatrez: ADFGNOU 14A FUD +23 229
#note 14A FUNGO scores the best and has more turnover for blanks, but opens up a big line at the bottom of the board. FUD is an easier spot to stomach, if he plays with the F for 30 then I'm not too upset.
>Steve_Grob: ITY 12A TI.Y +22 209
>Patrick_Beatrez: ACGILNO M5 COALING +67 296
>Steve_Grob: ENOP N6 PEON +28 237
>Patrick_Beatrez: DHINQRT 9L H..D +8 304
#note I had no idea what to do about the Q here. There are no Us out and only one more I, and no spot to play it except for with the I in TARRIES for 11 points. I hated allowing him to use the spot that he just created, but I guess unless he can use his blank or S to start hooking IN and play a bingo, then it's a bit of an awkward spot to use. H1 HI(C) is the only way I saw to score anything, but it gives up my I and doesn't have any reach for the blanks and good tiles like EEEE that are left. 11K DI(G)HT would get rid of consonants and block the spot while scoring 20 points. I didn't even consider exchanging here, I think keeping the H could be prudent, and probably an I, but throwing the rest back and trying for a blank could be critical, especially if he bingos this turn then he has a decent chance at drawing the Q with 12 in the bag. Any bingo he plays here that doesn't go down the O column is going to give back a lot of counterplay. I think that H(IN)D is an overly paranoid and uncreative play, exchanging is probably best and playing DI(G)HT makes the most sense of any word I can play.
>Steve_Grob: ?EEEMOS I9 EyESOME +63 300
#note Only bingo, great find. However, since this gives such a huge scoring opportunity back maybe 15A EM for 31 holding EEOS? is better. With HJY remaining he gets smacked in the spot a lot and he's still behind after the bingo. He probably needs to hope that I either already have the Q or will draw it after my play using the triple that he opened up.
>Patrick_Beatrez: EIJNQRT H13 JET +49 353
#note JET is forced here, I'm going to get Q stuck if I don't get the blank. I'm going up by 53 points so it's going to be close.
>Steve_Grob: ?ADHNNY E9 Y.N +12 312
>Patrick_Beatrez: IILNOQR B5 RI.. +7 360
#note I had no idea what to do with this position. I saw HANDs and HANDy in his rack and knew I couldn't let him have a nice spot to go out with them. I wanted to set up a spot for my Q, make him sacrifice to block it, then set up another spot and make him sacrifice again, then drop my O at O8 and outrun him. Unfortunately, I missed another 5 in his rack: HoNDA. I gave him a spot for it and lost by 12 points, that is a horrible way to let this game go especially since I had ~15 minutes to work on the endgame and he was down to about 2-3 minutes left after EYESOME. Playing anything reasonable that didn't let him win if he goes out would have made his life very difficult and potentially led to a mistake. With that said, F1 LINI(ER) found by quackle looks like the only way to win here. His best out is 2A sANDH(I) for 18 plus 24 from my rack, which lets me win 361-354. He can instead play 1D HA(L)iD or HA(L)eD for 36, then I can drop the O for 18, and his best out with the N is 11B ANI/NO for just 5 points, where I hold on to win 379-375. RI(DE) is a winning play if he doesn't have HONDA, I saw that his best sequence would be DaH or DoH for 14, then I could play J14 ON for 14 (not my best endgame possible), where his best out is then 15A AN for 23 and I win 374-373. I know the word HONDA and have played it before, and I had plenty of time to not allow that out play. This threw away a great opportunity to beat a much stronger player than myself.
>Steve_Grob: ?ADHN A1 HoNDA +32 344
>Steve_Grob: (ILNOQ) +28 372
Player 2
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