Game Details
Player 1
#character-encoding UTF-8
#player1 Patrick_Beatrez Patrick Beatrez
#player2 Will_Scott Will Scott
>Patrick_Beatrez: BEGLNOT H5 BONG +14 14
#note BOGLE or BELONG are definitely better than this.
>Will_Scott: EQRU 7D QUER. +15 15
>Patrick_Beatrez: ADEORTU 5F TA.OURED +72 86
#note Neither word has great defense, so I decided to float one less letter.
>Will_Scott: ILORSZ 9C ZORILS +34 49
#note 8A ZORI for 54.
>Patrick_Beatrez: EHINNST L4 H.NNIEST +74 160
>Patrick_Beatrez: EHINNST -- -74 86
#note 6J HEN or C9 (Z)ENITH are great plays here, not sure why I convinced myself this was a word. I recognized the letters for some reason, maybe confusing with EEHINNRS.
>Will_Scott: AESX C9 .AXES +42 91
>Patrick_Beatrez: EHINNST B10 HEN +38 124
#note This gives me a new spot for HEN for 7 more, maybe this would warrant him playing his X in a different spot.
>Will_Scott: ACDY L4 D.CAY +30 121
>Patrick_Beatrez: CILNSTV A6 CLITS +27 151
#note 11A V(EX)IL for 30 is a very nice play, I didn't spot that play. I wanted to make sure that he didn't take this spot for himself with AAAAAAWW unseen, but VEXIL does that in a much better way.
>Will_Scott: ?ADEFLT M7 DEFLATe +92 213
#note DEFAULT in the same spot doesn't give up the hooks.
>Patrick_Beatrez: ADNTTUV K7 DAUNT +23 174
#note 10J VAU(L)T sets up the hooks I don't have, both S and Y.
>Will_Scott: GO D12 GO +16 229
>Patrick_Beatrez: ILPSTVW L11 WIT +23 197
#note I4 V(O)WS for 32 is a nice fit, that is much better than what I did. I considered 13K VI(E)W keeping PLST but wanted to score something this play. WIT backfires if I don't draw a couple of vowels, but there are still plenty of vowels unseen. VOWS is clearly best.
>Will_Scott: EM E9 .EM +10 239
>Patrick_Beatrez: JLPPRSV -JLPV +0 197
#note There's still PL(O)PS or PR(O)PS and 8J P(AYE)RS. I decided to keep PRS over RS because the board is closed, if I don't bingo on the bottom row then if I have all 1-pointers then I will be scoring sub-20, with the P I can at least score something and stay in range.
>Will_Scott: IMO 4D MOI +12 251
>Patrick_Beatrez: ?AFOPRS F9 .F +26 223
#note 13F PANFOR(TE)S is available as a 9 (obviously didn't spot that), but static still puts dropping the F for 26 as better. I first considered 3C FOP for 24, but dropping the F scores 2 more and AOPRS? is basically guaranteed to bingo next turn.
>Will_Scott: GHU 3C HUG +21 272
>Patrick_Beatrez: ?AEOPRS 14G PAROlES +78 301
#note 14H SOAPERS for 88 sounded horrible to me so I wasn't going to risk it, and I missed the overlap with 2A PROTEAS. 14G SOAPIER is available for 4 more points than PAROLES. SOAPIER also gives up less J bombs in the spot, rather than putting the O above gives up K overlaps. Sim likes PROTEAS the best of the 3 by far obviously, but it has SOAPIER as 50% to win and PAROLES as only 42%.
>Will_Scott: EINOP 15E OPINE +33 305
>Patrick_Beatrez: EEJLNTV 2B JETE +36 337
#note 10V/8C left and no Ss, JETE is clearly better than JET.
>Will_Scott: AKW J3 WA.K +21 326
>Patrick_Beatrez: BILNRVV 13H VIN +19 356
#note He's going to be overloaded with vowels now, I can score decently with VIN and likely draw a couple vowels and just outscore him.
>Will_Scott: OY N6 YO +19 345
>Patrick_Beatrez: BEILNRV M1 VIBE. +25 381
#note Quackle has G2 VEL(A) as the best endgame to not give him the counterplay. VIBE(D) is a huge blunder, missing AI(V)ER which will tie. I can't play 2L N(I)L for 12 after AIVER since I am actually R stuck, and he can drop the A to make EXAM and then drop the I and win. I totally missed the R stick. Pretty much any reasonable play that scores something wins here, like O2 LIVRE or O3 VIBE.
>Will_Scott: AAEIIR - +0 345
#note He thought he was losing here if VIBED stays on, so he decided to challenge it.
>Patrick_Beatrez: LNR 4D ...L +8 389
#note D12 GO(R) is better to leave NIL after AIVER.
>Will_Scott: AAEIIR 1L A.ER +24 369
>Patrick_Beatrez: NR 2L R.N +12 401
>Patrick_Beatrez: (AII) +6 407
Player 2
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