Game Details
Player 1
#player1 Kate Kate
#player2 Joey Joey
>Kate: BEIIRRT 8G RIB +10 10
>Joey: ?CDMNQT H7 Q. +11 11
#note I forgot just how awkward a lot of my racks were in this tournament. At least she can't do much on this board.
>Kate: EIIIRTU -IIIU +0 10
>Joey: ?CDMNTU F8 CUM +21 32
>Kate: AAEHRTY 9I YAH +24 34
>Joey: ?DENOTT E9 NOTaTED +70 102
>Kate: ABEGNRT 15C BA.GER +33 67
#note Ooh, GRABEN D10!
>Joey: DEILRSX 10H LEX +59 161
>Kate: AAEKNPT 8K APNEA +35 102
>Joey: DEIOORS 14H OROIDES +72 233
#note Finally, I get on a roll.
>Kate: HIKMNOT 15M MHO +33 135
>Joey: AIILPUW D10 PULI +25 258
>Kate: AFIIKNT 13K KAF +45 180
#note Kate might have misread this rack, since KIF would obviously be better. But she has no A on the next rack.
>Joey: AAIJTWW C11 JAW +50 308
>Kate: CIINRST N2 CITRIN.S +74 254
>Joey: AEGIOTW M3 TIE +14 322
>Kate: AEFGIIV 5J FIV.. +22 276
>Joey: AGLNNOW 6I WAN +17 339
>Kate: AEEGINV K3 GA.. +5 281
>Joey: EGLNORU 11J ERUGO +22 361
#note I wasn't worried about the new bingo lane, since any bingo would be low scoring.
>Kate: EEINSTV 3D STEEVIN. +64 345
>Joey: DILNORT 4C DIOL +18 379
#note This should do it, assuming my last draw isn't ghastly.
>Kate: ?ADEEOS H1 DE. +21 366
>Joey: LNRTUYZ D3 ..ZY +16 395
#note Well, when things aren't meant to be, they really aren't meant to be. If I don't play SIZY, she can Z-stick me unless I play UNWIT A13 to threaten YUTZ. But she can kill that spot with PAUSE, conveniently saving herself EOO for OOZE when I eventually play SIZY. Blah.
>Kate: ?AEEOOS 5B OO.ES +40 406
>Joey: LNRTU 12G NURL +16 411
#note The saddest part of this game is that I led after every one of my turns and still lost. I'm just glad this wasn't the deciding game of a finals.
>Kate: ?AE 2J EAt +14 420
>Kate: (T) +2 422
Player 2
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