Game Details
Player 1
#character-encoding UTF-8
#player1 Agnes_Kramer Agnes Kramer
#player2 Jackson Jackson
>Agnes_Kramer: EINORTT 8D TRITONE +66 66
>Jackson: EEIMPSY E5 EMP.ISE +44 44
>Agnes_Kramer: AGIORSV I2 SAVORI.G +66 132
>Jackson: ?AAIUYY H1 YAY +34 78
>Agnes_Kramer: DGOW 12B GOWD +31 163
>Agnes_Kramer: DGOW -- -31 132
#note not an easy challenge
>Jackson: ??AEIRU K5 mAUsIER +77 155
#note given her rack MAUSIER and EMPRISES is not bad, but this still looks a bit better
>Agnes_Kramer: DEGOW L1 WODGE +29 161
>Jackson: ADEELOR M1 ODE +22 177
>Agnes_Kramer: ABIIL F2 BIALI +23 184
>Jackson: AEILORU D6 AU.O +15 192
>Agnes_Kramer: ABLM J10 BALM +26 210
>Jackson: EHIIKLR C9 KHI +27 219
#note considered ELHI N2 to keep the K for KOI plays. I felt like keeping EILR was still good here with the G and M and N columns, plus the K plays are not guaranteed and dont score a crazy amount. KHI sims best.
>Agnes_Kramer: JV 11B J.V. +14 224
>Jackson: EILNNRS 1L ..RN +21 240
>Agnes_Kramer: EPU B11 .UPE +26 250
>Jackson: AEFILNS 13G FLA.INES +86 326
>Agnes_Kramer: EX N1 .EX +39 289
>Jackson: CDNOTTZ H12 C.OT +27 353
>Agnes_Kramer: FIT 10J ..FIT +12 301
#note nice play
>Jackson: ADNORTZ 14M ROD +14 367
#note very hard turn. Quackle likes ORT F10 then ADZ, just simpler plays to outrun bingoes. Those might be the call here, but the Q lurking got me spooked about more standard outrunning plays. BEFITS bingoes are not super rare, and they hit hard. I played ROD to set up ZETA with an E draw, and if she blocks I can block BEFITS bette rnext turn - I also have Q insurance because I get QAT 9M with a Q draw. The problem here is if she hits BEFITS bingo and I do not draw an E, that is a problem, because I often won't draw a great play on the 15 row anyways. I could do something like DART C4 to set up ZONE, which also increases my odds of drawing that E. Maybe I just play ORT or ADZ and run. I could also do TAD or something at 9M immediatley and block, but I could get into some sketchy situations where she bingoes on the 15 row.
>Agnes_Kramer: OW 15N WO +30 331
>Jackson: AHLNTUZ N6 HALU.Z +26 393
#note I am up by just enough to let this win very consistently. If she bingoes on the 15 row I sitll outrun with QAT.
>Agnes_Kramer: DEGNNQS - +0 331
>Jackson: ADEEENT 15D EDEN.ATE +60 453
#note ah shit I have this at G4 for 13 more! I saw the lane earlier but just slapped this down
>Agnes_Kramer: CGNNQST 7M Q.T +22 353
>Jackson: N 6D ...N +6 459
>Jackson: (CGNRS) +16 475
Player 2
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