Player 1 |
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#player1 Morris_Greenberg Morris Greenberg
#player2 Jackson_Smylie Jackson Smylie
>Morris_Greenberg: ABFHITZ 8H HAFIZ +60 60
>Jackson_Smylie: LOX 9G LOX +41 41
>Morris_Greenberg: BEFIJQT 7I FIB +38 98
#note Interesting choice between FIB, JIB 10F, and QI 10F. This spot seemed so much more dangerous than the others to the point where it felt right to play here. I am surprised how strongly Quackle agrees (JiB is ~4% worse, QI ~7% worse), with Jackson's next turn averaging 8.5 more on JIB over FIB, and 13.5 more on QI over FIB.
I somehow managed to miss JIBE though, which sims pretty evenly with FIB. I would have played JIBE had I processed it.
>Jackson_Smylie: EKU K5 KU..E +22 63
>Morris_Greenberg: EEJOQTT 10F JOT +34 132
>Jackson_Smylie: GN 6J G.N +19 82
>Morris_Greenberg: DEEHNQT -EHQ +0 132
#note I considered a lot of exchanges here, I narrowed it down to keeping DENT vs. EHT. I figured it is nice to have a scoring tile in this position in favor of EHT, but decided in the bad scenarios where Jackson can immediately bingo, I should also strive to be close to bingoing. Keeping EHT is Quackle's top choice, this is ~1% behind, a lot of things are close here.
>Jackson_Smylie: IMP F10 .IMP +15 97
>Morris_Greenberg: DEINNOT 13C END.OINT +76 208
#note I almost missed this, I would have played (M)ENTION otherwise.
>Jackson_Smylie: OORV 12B VROO. +29 126
>Morris_Greenberg: ADNNORR H12 D.NO +21 229
#note I really wanted to play the A over the O and an R over an N here given the pool, but nothing seemed worthwhile for that, perhaps aside from R(I)ND. Sticking the D out in space for R(I)ND is something I try to avoid against Jackson. Quackle sim agrees.
>Jackson_Smylie: ?ACORST 15H .STRACOn +80 206
>Morris_Greenberg: ADHNRRU E11 H..AD +30 259
#note I chose this over DHURN(A), I thought the extra 10 points could be valuable in the long-term. They sim neck-and-neck in Quackle, with only H(I) 11E coming out ahead. With so many E's unseen, I hit UNDERRA(n) surprisingly often here, and maybe it could bait Jackson into blocking the (GUN)S lane or the RE lane in column C.
>Jackson_Smylie: AEINSSV M1 VINASSE +77 283
>Morris_Greenberg: EEINRRU 1K RI.EN +27 286
#note I missed RE(V)UE here, as well as REI(V)ER and RIE(V)ER. I was choosing between UREI(D)E and RI(V)EN. The plays I missed look clearly better. I chose this because it seemed like Jackson could control the position a lot more after UREI(D)E if he either crushes the V or makes some fork advantageous to his tiles. That looks wrong to me now given how good the bag is with NR here.
>Jackson_Smylie: EELTU 15A TELE.U +24 307
>Morris_Greenberg: EILQRUU N7 LIQUEUR +70 356
#note Really lucky here.
>Jackson_Smylie: AAW 14A AWA +28 335
>Morris_Greenberg: ?CEEILY L4 YI. +29 385
#note Sims better than LEnIE(N)CY, easiest way to lose is Jackson getting a higher point bingo than me.
>Jackson_Smylie: DIP O8 DIP +42 377
>Morris_Greenberg: ?ACEELR 2E sCLERAE +68 453
#note I was choosing between dECLARE and sCLERAE, Quackle likes dECLARE a lot more (98.5% vs. 93.9%), but based on the sim log I don't think it is playing through the game correctly. It is important for me to play along row 2 here rather than pRECLEA(N), CERuLEA(N) or RECLEA(N)s, because then Jackson could make a play through it to the triple that pluralizes, and I might not be able to block all lanes.
>Jackson_Smylie: WY H1 Y.W +27 404
>Morris_Greenberg: AABGMTT 12L GA.M +20 473
#note Wasn't 100% on GAMBA, and I misadded the score after last turn as 433-404, not 453-404. I was low on time too with the 20 minute clock, so slapped this down.
>Jackson_Smylie: EEEGORS 4E GEES +17 421
>Morris_Greenberg: ABTT 11K BAT. +17 490
>Jackson_Smylie: EOR D4 ORE +18 439
>Jackson_Smylie: (T) +2 441