Player 1 |
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#player1 Jared_Cappel Jared Cappel
#player2 Morris_Greenberg Morris Greenberg
>Jared_Cappel: EIIIIIU -IIIIIU +0 0
#note My rack was YOGAAUO. I decided to throw back all 7.
>Morris_Greenberg: AADDIIW 8G WADI +16 16
>Jared_Cappel: AFIRRTZ J6 FR.TZ +45 45
>Morris_Greenberg: ADDIIRT K10 ADIT +21 37
>Jared_Cappel: AIIJLRW J13 AJI +28 73
#note Tough turn and I don't like floating that I but seems to sim best by a healthy margin. Not sure what else I could have done.
>Morris_Greenberg: DIKLNNR 15H DR.NK +45 82
>Jared_Cappel: BEGILRW L8 WIG +24 97
#note Simming best. the BLER leave goes nicely with that floating A.
>Morris_Greenberg: EHILMNN 8L .HIM +36 118
#note HEM(AT)IN is awesome, I missed it. I considered H(I)N and H(I)M 12J, as well as (W)HIM and (W)HIN. Ultimately on this board, I just felt like keeping the M over the N wasn't worth 6 points, and keeping the I to either leve wasn't worth 4-6 points. I also managed to miss NIH(I)L over the board, that looks great too. I briefly considered (W)HEN too give the amount of Is played, ultimately I still stayed on the points/equity train here, but Quackle likes WHEN more than WHIM or WHIN too.
>Jared_Cappel: BELMNRY N6 BL.NY +24 121
#note Neck and neck with BLIMY. I think I like having the scoring tile here.
>Morris_Greenberg: ELNNOSU O8 .UON +13 131
#note NEU(K) is probably worth the extra 10 here.
>Jared_Cappel: AEIMNRT 7B MINARET +69 190
#note M(A)RINATE(D) at H7 sims best as it kills the board. Cool play. I saw MARINATE through that A but didn't see this one. I wasn't sure if I should play MINARET above or below WADI. Quackle likes my decision. I feel like the I in MINARET is more dangerous in the other position.
>Morris_Greenberg: EGLNOSS M12 LOGS +21 152
#note I somehow don't register LONGNESS or LOGINESS here, I looked through both tiles and wasn't remembering anything. I also thought GO(W)NLESS* was valid and was ready to play it if Jared didn't block it the previous turn.
>Jared_Cappel: ?BEEORU 9B BOUrREE +70 260
#note This placement is only a 3 point sacrifice from the 14B or K1 BOURREE. I like how it kills the board and Quackle agrees.
>Morris_Greenberg: ADENOOS M3 ODEA +14 166
#note I felt I needed to open this part of the board over a more standard equity play, and liked how this allows for potential (AB)S plays which could be sneaky ways to come back (e.g., APEXES/ABS, followed by a bingo). Note there are a lot of E's unseen so it is fine to play this one off lacklusterly. Quackle suggested the beautiful NODOSE O1, which I did not know.
>Jared_Cappel: AEISTUV K3 UVEA +19 279
#note Oh crap STEVIA at O1. I loved how this killed the board and left decently (-SIT) but STEVIA scores 44!
>Morris_Greenberg: CEFNNOS 13F NONF.. +14 180
#note Agh, I thought NONCE couldn't take the back S hook, so no NONCES.
>Jared_Cappel: AIORSTT 14E TARO +16 295
#note This appears to be the best blocking play. I looked carefully to see what play would give up the fewest bingos. This only allows a bingo 2.6% of the time and sims best. Quackle's other top option of 6A TO to fish seems the opposite of what I want to do with my lead.
>Morris_Greenberg: CEGOSSX J1 GOX +22 202
#note I considered going for something like APEXES here or a higher point GOX or COX. I ultimately thought it was prudent to open the top of the board in a way that could be harder to block while slowly shaping my rack.
>Jared_Cappel: EHILSTV 1H LI.HT +30 325
#note Was planning to play SHIVE until Morris' play of GOX forced me to address the top. This sims best. VEG/VIG also options, simming nearly as well.
>Morris_Greenberg: CEEIPSS 15A PIECE +38 240
#note Given all of the E's out (and still thought cashing in ABS could be fruitful, although that looks moot here), I thought it was wiser to play PIECE over SPICE. This is a mistake based on how the game played out, though Quackle likes PIECE over SPIECE slightly (and likes SPECIE even more - I was not sure of it, it looked so weird to me).
>Jared_Cappel: CEEESVY N2 EYE +20 345
#note I didn't play this at 10A because I thought that gave back easy 7 lanes, but I need to be concerned about a big (N)Q(U) play like the very creative PETANQUES idea Morris had. That, along with the extra 11 points makes the 10A position superior.
>Morris_Greenberg: ?AEPQSS 1H .....S +10 250
#note My plan here is to go for PETA(N)Q(U)ES, 3/12 shot of drawing either an E or T to make it work. If I played SPICE the previous turn, I could've played PEtA(N)Q(U)ES this turn and taken an 6 point lead (Jared was underscored by 3 points)! Fwiw, Quackle much prefers PASE G1 here, I guess the idea being that if I draw the U, I could get a Q out bingo while collecting heavy hitting tiles from Jared.
>Jared_Cappel: CEOSTUV C12 COV. +18 363
#note I was focused on keeping the U in case I drew the Q, but this doesn't block that crazy PETANQUES idea. CUVEE looks like the star play. It blocks PETANQUES, scores 20, and allows for SUQ or QI next turn if I draw the Q.
>Morris_Greenberg: ?AELPQS H7 ...L +4 254
#note Again, going for PETANQUES hoping Jared messes up somehow.
>Jared_Cappel: AEIRSTU 10A RAISE +18 381
#note PETANQUES loses anyways to most non-blocking plays. JC: I didn't see PETANQUES but saw I had to block some miracle play here, knowing Morris was fishing for something and this was the area of the board that would score most. RETIA aboves MINARET is apparently a 20 point improvement, holding US to go out.
>Morris_Greenberg: ?AEEPQS 6C QuA +25 279
#note Whoops, Qu(A)E(rE)S, I was pretty low on time here.
>Jared_Cappel: TU 12C .UT +10 391
#note Fun set. I think I had some good and bad moments in this set but drew well enough to overcome my play-finding mistakes.
>Jared_Cappel: (EEPS) +12 403