Player 1 |
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#player1 Morris_Greenberg Morris Greenberg
#player2 Jared_Cappel Jared Cappel
>Morris_Greenberg: AEEHQTY 8G QAT +24 24
>Jared_Cappel: ?IIJLOT H8 .JI +10 10
#note Quackle seems to be liking 9G IT which seems strange to me leaving IJLO? ... I didn't consider H6 JIAO which looks best to me.
>Morris_Greenberg: EEEEHXY 7H HEY +27 51
#note I figured HEX would only help Jared's average score next turn, not mine. Quackle agrees.
>Jared_Cappel: ?EILOTT 11B TOILETs +76 86
>Morris_Greenberg: CEEEWXY 10E EW +28 79
#note Considered a lot of things, nothing is especially inspiring here. Quackle likes this best.
>Jared_Cappel: AAEGHNR D8 AAH.NG +31 117
#note Sims better than HAEING in the same spot.
>Morris_Greenberg: CEERVXY E4 VEXER +32 111
#note I was mainly choosing between VEXER, VEERY, and VERY here. Ultimately decided VERY is too risky floating the E hook, and CY is probably better in this position than CX for VEXER over VEERY (or at the very least, not 5 or more points worse). I overlooked VEX(T) which is Quackle's favorite, this sims second about 1.5% behind.
>Jared_Cappel: ABEEMRR 6J BERM +27 144
#note I saw the BHAJI hook but chickened out on RET which is so bad but what happens when you allow yourself to get rusty at this silly game. BHAJIs/BRAE is the candidate play.
>Morris_Greenberg: CGOOUUY 5K YOU +28 139
>Jared_Cappel: ADEEFLR C2 FEDERAL +77 221
>Morris_Greenberg: CDGNORU 4L DRUG +29 168
#note I chose this play over GOURD or CRUD to leave some access for scoring above this play (e.g., -OD plays with O(DOR) and D(RUM)). I didn't consider CRU, which is quite interesting too. Quackle likes CRUD the most and all of DRUG, CRU, and GOURD about 2% less. I think CRUD is the simplest plan in that drawing into one of the many I's leads to -ING possibilities so I am not surprised Quackle prefers this path, but I do like the complications that can ensue from DRUG that Quackle likely isn't fully capturing.
>Jared_Cappel: AAIINNU O3 I.UANA +21 242
#note Can't say I would have been confident on IGUANIAN even if I'd seen it. This looks best if I don't find/know the bingo.
>Morris_Greenberg: CINORTV B1 VIN +24 192
#note VO(LAR) is also a cool idea to go for plays like CONTRI(V)E, Quackle slightly still prefers this play. More surprisingly to me, VINO also sims slightly ahead of both of these two plays, I thought it seemed a bit reckless, but especially with inference the previous turn, I will often be the favorite to cash in that spot for big points (Jared may block fairly often, but that still helps me to claw back if he needs to sacrifice a lot for that).
>Jared_Cappel: EFINOOR B5 OOF +19 261
#note Simming best.
>Morris_Greenberg: CDOPRST 3J PROD +33 225
#note I considered COD as well as PRST seemed pretty good for the board as far as non-homeless bingos go. Ultimately, I thought playing the extra consonant was worth it here to strive for more balance. Quackle prefers COD by a bit more than 1%, and likes SCROD even more than both COD and PROD. I didn't consider SCROD, I really should have given it thought though given no S's have been played and the S is weak on this board anyways.
>Jared_Cappel: ?CEINOR N7 ONEIRiC +64 325
#note Heads up idea by Jared to sacrifice points here for the lower variance board. JC: Thanks. I saw the highest scoring bingo in BICORNE but rightly passed it up. Quackle likes pORCINE in the same spot as it doesn't take a back S. It does however leave easier floaters to bingo to though (N and E).
>Morris_Greenberg: CDELPST 12M P.C +9 234
#note I figured this complicates the game more than CL(i)P. Quackle prefers CLIP, this feels more practical to me.
>Jared_Cappel: GIKNSSW 8L KI.. +13 338
#note Hard to sim this position as my quackle settings are old and it still thinks SPIC* is an acceptable word. I was also considering plays like KIWIS or WIKIS at 10K which are simming neck and neck to my play.
>Morris_Greenberg: DEEILST 13A LED.IEST +72 306
>Jared_Cappel: GINSSTW F5 WIT +26 364
#note A play like TWINES at 9J is looking good.
>Morris_Greenberg: BELNOOZ J1 BO. +9 315
#note I have to hope from Jared's perspective, there are plays available on both the top and bottom of the board here. I keep (B)ENZOL at a minimum, miracle draw is AM for EM(B)LAZON.
>Jared_Cappel: GNSSSTU 1G STU.S +21 385
#note Simming best at 99.90% to win. I didn't see any bingos he could hit.
>Morris_Greenberg: AAELNOZ 2F ZOA +36 351
#note ELAN is better first under optimal play (MAGI(C) blocks ELAN by going here first, I was ready to settle for LA(T)E(E)N if blocked).
>Jared_Cappel: AGIMNS A12 G.AM +27 412
#note MAGIC at 13J is best, scoring well and blocking EPIC plays. I put no thought into this turn.
>Morris_Greenberg: AELN L11 LEAN +22 373
>Morris_Greenberg: (INS) +6 379