Player 1 |
#character-encoding UTF-8
#player1 Chris_Canik Chris Canik
#player2 Matt_Canik Matt Canik
>Chris_Canik: AIINOOU -IIOOU +0 0
#note good start
>Matt_Canik: AJW H7 JAW +26 26
>Chris_Canik: ?ACENNN G8 NAN +12 12
#note (JAW)AN is cool but not as good
>Matt_Canik: ABEFGL 11C BEFLAG +28 54
#note nice
>Chris_Canik: ?CEGNOS I6 COG +21 33
#note damnit. COGNiSE for 95(!). I saw the word, just somehow not the spot.
this isn't even the best-simming non-bingo option - CONE in same spot gives an S hook, and this board is unfriendly otherwise. I tunneled too hard on ENS? being a nice-looking leave, and I'm not thinking about the playability and score of the bingo if/when I hit it. Missing COGNiSE is yikes, but aside from that these micro-considerations (CONE over COG) are hurting me
>Matt_Canik: EX 12C EX +40 94
>Chris_Canik: ?AENOSY F2 NOYAdES +66 99
#note SOYbEAN better. NOYAdES is simming worse than some non-bingos, including (G)YNOS and for some reason just YA J7, which I guess likely leads to a much bette-scoring bingo
>Matt_Canik: EERSSUV 3F .VERUSES +82 176
#note man SOYbEAN would've been MUCH better
>Chris_Canik: ?EEHIIR B12 HIE +25 124
#note really can't stomach HIRE 4L or HIRE B12. the thought process here is that this at least gives him something to deal with while I work on hitting a bingo somewhere else on this board
>Matt_Canik: DEG 11C ......GED +34 210
#note sick
>Chris_Canik: ?EIIIOR -IIIO +0 124
#note EIIR? looked kinda suspect to me, but I considered OI 12H (which Q prefers) and decided that the 10 points weren't worth it
>Matt_Canik: ABILN 10J BINAL +28 238
>Chris_Canik: ?EIKLQR H1 LE.K +39 163
#note Some options burning the blank for Q points, but not worth it when there are possible draws here that still score big with the Q (or just bingo with IQR? leave). This also gives me sneaky 8 draws from the L
>Matt_Canik: DENOORT 14B .NROOTED +61 299
>Chris_Canik: ?AIQRTU M8 QU.TRAIn +84 247
#note AQU(A)RIsT is too scary for two more points
>Matt_Canik: DFI 15F DIF +41 340
>Chris_Canik: IIMORST 10B TORI +26 273
#note Actually saw and passed on MITIS here - I'm feeling that I will probably need a bingo in this game (foreshadowing), and TORI gives another line on an otherwise uncooperative board after Matt inevitably plays somewhere in row 2. Too easy for this board to die after MITIS I think
>Matt_Canik: NPT J2 P.NT +12 352
>Chris_Canik: ADHIMST 8M .AT +36 309
#note gotta take points even if DHIMS leave is unfun - and also another line (even if the same tile)
>Matt_Canik: EMOU 4L MOUE +24 376
>Chris_Canik: DHIMOSZ O1 DOZ. +42 351
#note Spent a long time on this play. DOZ(E) seems obvious (and it is) but I have to think about what happens after it. I'll be down 25 against the turn, with workable but uninspiring tiles for bingoing. I may have to pivot my plan if I keep HIMS to just scoring as much as possible and praying, and no other play keeps well enough to make bingoing likely anyway. MHO E4 is there, but I think Matt is likelier to have something here than to have something in the bottom right. There are also longshot bingo draws at B3 that could bail me out, but I'm not all-in on those
>Matt_Canik: CITU 15K CU.IT +21 397
>Chris_Canik: AEHIMSV E5 HIM +31 382
#note Q loves IV(Y) here. I think IVY just means Matt will play any blocking play and the boad is dead. It also scores so little compared to other options, and at this point the jig is up for bingoing unless I get a miracle draw here. I'm still thinking a bingo is possible here, but also realizing that maybe I just try to outrun. HIM leaves one, IV(Y) leaves two. The pool looks a little clunky if he's got the wrong stuff, and CU(n)IT makes it seem like that's likelier than not - at very least probably another I. Race to the finish.
>Matt_Canik: EO G3 .OE +22 419
#note that is a lot of points for playing two vowels, and neatly takes care of any possible plays in the D column (no T's left for T(HAE))
>Chris_Canik: AAEPSVW 12L W.AP +24 406
#note Q says nothing wins, but I'm not yet sure. May need to check a beefier endgame engine. Spent a long time here and just couldn't find a compelling option. It seems that my best options involve waiting for Matt to play stuff - (DOZE)R or JO(Y) are options and I can swindle some points from either with my S. Must resist the urge to drop my V wherever it fits - I've got good enough stuff with it to score points now.
>Matt_Canik: IILRRY 7H ..Y +13 432
#note Q says (JO)Y wins, but we'll see literally next turn that this is not necessarily the case
>Chris_Canik: AESV K6 ES +16 422
#note Q says I should play VA(U) now, and hold ES for next turn. What I'm missing in the game (I tick down to about 10 seconds before this play) is that Matt could just drop an R for (DOZE)R, which outruns VA(U). If I play VA(U) first, I have ES/(DOZER)S for more than ES/(JOY)S and still win. The consequence of this move should be me throwing the game away.
>Matt_Canik: IILRR H11 .RI.. +10 442
#note (DOZE)R is the play here, after I blunder and invert my winning order of VAU --> ES. I think Matt might have been getting low on time as well, and likely focusing on burning tiles to get punished less when I go out. He also mentions that he was trying to push me over time, as I had about 4 seconds left.
>Chris_Canik: AV 9K VA. +15 437
#note Matt later states that he just whiffed VA(U) as an out, or he woiuld've looked longer for outplays. I have quite a few outs here, but I need the points from VA(U). Matt couldn't have blocked this spot and scored enough to outrun others, but the (DOZE)R spot is what flips the game to me.
>Chris_Canik: (ILR) +6 443