Game Details
Player 1
#character-encoding UTF-8
#player1 Matt Matt
#player2 David_Shuman David Shuman
>Matt: AEGLNUY H8 GLUEY +26 26
>David_Shuman: DOWW 11E WOW.D +24 24
>Matt: AFIINNR 8B FAIRIN. +12 38
#note "surely FAIRING doesn't take an S, that just seems weird. let's block this board up and turn over some tiles"

(FAIRINGS is valid)
>David_Shuman: BCO 10D COB +28 52
>Matt: ?DINRUY B5 UNI.Y +13 51
#note probably RYND for 28; IU? is worth it for that many more points
>David_Shuman: AI A9 AI +7 59
>Matt: ?ADORTV 5A O.TRAVeD +72 123
>David_Shuman: EE 12G E.E +14 73
>Matt: ADGHLMO H1 HODA. +33 156
#note ooh GOLD(EYE) after his last play wow
>David_Shuman: II -II +0 73
>Matt: ABEGLMO 3A GAMBOLE. +80 236
>David_Shuman: AIRSV 13I VAIRS +35 108
>Matt: HINRTUU 13B UNHURT +27 263
>David_Shuman: Q F7 Q. +11 119
>Matt: DEEFIIN L7 DEIFIE. +24 287
#note lol
>David_Shuman: CEX 8L .XEC +39 158
>Matt: AJLNORT A1 JO. +33 320
#note wanted to play R(A)J so bad but it's greedy
>David_Shuman: ?EIMPPS B13 .P +8 166
>Matt: AAILNRT 14G ALANT +28 348
#note lmao god ick i am so bad

sorry for bagging you, david
>David_Shuman: EEOPSST 15A POETESS +93 259
#note nice
>Matt: GKLNORS 2A .K +24 372
#note drawn an e and hit leghorns?
>David_Shuman: EZ 10L .EZ +35 294
>Matt: EGLNORS 1E LEG.ORNS +63 435
#note draw an E and hit leghorns!
>David_Shuman: ?EIIMNR 4G R.IMENt +18 312
>Matt: ATT 12K T.AT +9 444
>Matt: (I) +2 446
Player 2
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