Game Details
Player 1
#character-encoding UTF-8
#player1 DeenHergott Deen Hergott
#player2 MatthewTunnicliffe Matthew Tunnicliffe
>DeenHergott: ?EEFSST H4 FESTErS +76 76
>MatthewTunnicliffe: AGNNQUW 6H .UQ +32 32
>DeenHergott: EZ 10H .EZ +32 108
>MatthewTunnicliffe: ?AGLNNW 8G W.ANLiNG +61 93
#note For some reason I decided LAWNING was probably CSW. At least this makes things more interesting
>DeenHergott: EFK G3 KEF +25 133
>MatthewTunnicliffe: BDIOTTY F2 YOD +28 121
#note didnt see 9f TORY
>DeenHergott: GIPY N6 PI.GY +26 159
>MatthewTunnicliffe: ABEIITT O1 TIBIAE +31 152
>DeenHergott: CIOX M10 OXIC +31 190
>MatthewTunnicliffe: GIIIOST O8 SI +45 197
>DeenHergott: AHM 11I HAM +32 222
>MatthewTunnicliffe: GIINORT 13F TRIGONI. +64 261
#note TRIGONAL TRIGONIC# whoever actually manages to keep this shit straight is truly at an advanced stage of evolution, destined to ascend to greatness while the rest of us lizardbrains grope around for maggots in the dark
>DeenHergott: DRT H12 D.RT +21 243
>MatthewTunnicliffe: AAAALOO -LAAAAOO +0 261
>DeenHergott: PTU 14J PUT +25 268
>MatthewTunnicliffe: BDDJLRU 12L B.RD +28 289
>DeenHergott: AIV O12 .IVA +24 292
>MatthewTunnicliffe: DEJLORU M3 JUDO +29 318
#note sometimes i get killed by something like HON/MON but i just have to hope he doesnt have it because im not keen on JOULE
>DeenHergott: HNO N2 HON +37 329
>MatthewTunnicliffe: EELLMRS L4 MEL +31 349
>DeenHergott: ELOV 12C VOLE +16 345
>MatthewTunnicliffe: AEILORS C11 O.A +12 361
#note Sometimes I get obliterated by a perfect blocking play, but I am more or less feeling pretty good about my chances here
>DeenHergott: CERW 11B C.WER +32 377
#note owwww
>MatthewTunnicliffe: AEILRST 2E A. +5 366
#note this is really poor. Despite the score, I am heavily favored to win in a nonbingo endgame just based on how poor Deen's rack is likely to be. Just basic equity plays win more than 75% of the time. My play settles for 5/11 which is awful in comparison
>DeenHergott: NU D1 UN +9 386
>MatthewTunnicliffe: EEILRST 15D RETI.LES +67 433
#note unsterile
>DeenHergott: AAAENOR B13 ANA +8 394
>MatthewTunnicliffe: E 7G E. +9 442
>MatthewTunnicliffe: (AOER) +8 450
Player 2
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