Game Details
Player 1
#character-encoding UTF-8
#player1 Matt Matt
#player2 Darin Darin
>Matt: AEEOPSS H8 OPE +10 10
#note Definitely should have taken the points with PASEO or PSOAE here
>Darin: ITU I6 TUI +6 6
>Matt: ?AEEESS 9G A.SE +13 23
#note miss the new AEDESES+ and also somehow missed ESTERASE despite being a PharmD so that's awesome
>Darin: AGW 10J WAG +28 34
>Matt: ?EEILNS 11E ENIsLES +89 112
>Darin: AGRT 12D GRAT +16 50
>Matt: AEIMNOV H1 ANOMIE +35 147
#note There was so much open here that I opted to close nothing instead of blocking one line and getting hit in the other. Dunno if this was right and it's definitely not my usual style but just had a gut instinct to score as much as possible rn
>Darin: DINOTT L4 DOTTIN. +20 70
>Matt: ?EEIJNV K5 JEE +42 189
>Darin: AIX 8L .XIA +33 103
>Matt: ?IIKNRV 2F KI.IN +21 210
>Darin: CDIORRS O2 CORRID.S +62 165
>Matt: ?NRTUVY I1 T.NY +20 230
#note points? idk
>Darin: EFO M3 FOE +25 190
>Matt: ?DOUV 1D DUO +12 242
#note missed this rack
>Darin: EGOUV 3B VOGUE +25 215
>Matt: ?AENORV D3 .OVERN +22 264
>Darin: Q 6N Q. +31 246
>Matt: ?AAHLSU B1 LU. +12 276
#note this was horrible
>Darin: BFHHLL -BFHHLL +0 246
>Matt: ?AAHRSZ 8A AZA. +39 315
#note SHiRAZ/EWES/ASH is 67 and GG
>Darin: CLW 6B CL.W +15 261
>Matt: ?AFHLRS 9A RAH +32 347
>Darin: AP 10B PA +36 297
>Matt: ?BEFHLS 12J SHELF +35 382
>Darin: BDEMRTY N10 DE.Y +15 312
>Matt: ?BI O13 oBI +16 398
>Matt: (MBTR) +16 414
Player 2
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