Game Details
Player 1
#character-encoding UTF-8
#player1 Samuel_Kaplan Samuel Kaplan
#player2 Edwin_Roth Edwin Roth
>Samuel_Kaplan: AGIIIQR 8G QI +22 22
#note Maybe I'll be able to carry a little momentum into this one considering I was able to grind out an ugly one last round.
>Edwin_Roth: BOT 7H BOT +10 10
>Samuel_Kaplan: AEGIIRU 9C URAEI +19 41
#note I can see why K5 URAEI and K7 AUREI sim slightly ahead of my play: BOT takes a fair number of hooks remaining in the pool. I did see G8 (Q)UAI but I felt that was too aggressive knowing I have none of those hooks and I don't have the Z.
>Edwin_Roth: AGNPR K5 PRANG +22 32
>Samuel_Kaplan: ACGIIIW 10E AW +28 69
#note This is literally the only non-exchange that's even worth considering.
>Edwin_Roth: DHOT 11B DOTH +28 60
>Samuel_Kaplan: CGIIIOS -CGIIIO +0 69
#note Ok, this play was bad. 8J I(N)COGS is absolutely worth it despite the undesirable II leave. I missed that. #findinglarge
>Edwin_Roth: AEU J3 EAU +7 67
>Samuel_Kaplan: JMNSSUW 8A JUN +32 101
>Edwin_Roth: ADEESTT 12D ESTATED +79 146
>Samuel_Kaplan: LLMSSVW 3I M.WLS +26 127
#note Thank god the E stayed open. Pretty much the only way I can reasonably play through this one.
>Edwin_Roth: ENOPY 11I PEONY +27 173
>Samuel_Kaplan: AEFILSV 8J A.VILS +41 168
#note 14 more points with this over 8K (N)IVAL is fine. The sim agrees with this play because this board isn't that good for Ss besides the EDS hook on Row 13.
>Edwin_Roth: CEIR O4 CIRE. +10 183
>Samuel_Kaplan: EFIKLNT L1 KI.L +26 194
#note I liked hanging onto the F in order to score something again next turn on Row 10 in case I don't draw a bingo. This board is only getting worse for bingoing. That's why I passed up FILK in the same spot.
>Edwin_Roth: ALO 1L .OLA +24 207
>Samuel_Kaplan: BEFGNOT 10H FOB +31 225
#note I liked FOB at 10H much better than at 2H, and so does the sim.
>Edwin_Roth: ?EGORTX - +0 207
#note Not actual rack. Ed exchanged 5 tiles here.
>Samuel_Kaplan: DEGINTZ 2F ZINE +37 262
#note I honestly was unsure what to think of Ed's more aggressive exchange after he groomed his rack the turn before with only 2 As unseen to me. I liked M7 Z(I)NG(Y) as well as my play. The A would have to be in the 2nd position in order for him to bingo on the E column, and he's not guaranteed to have anything that good if he picked 5 tiles. So therfore, it is a good idea to take the extra 8 points here.
>Edwin_Roth: EOR H12 .ORE +12 219
>Samuel_Kaplan: ADDEGOT 1G TOGA +29 291
#note I thought about leaving the A off to keep the AZINE hook or Row 3 underlaps, but with 2 unseen blanks, I liked turning over another tile.
>Edwin_Roth: ?ENRRST 15H .NTEReRS +74 293
#note E1 RaNTERS is 1 more for him.
>Samuel_Kaplan: DDEMNOU 14B MOUNDE. +28 319
#note No home for MOUNDED here and also no floating U for the very cool DUODENUM. This phony never even got held.
>Edwin_Roth: EVX 15A VEX +52 345
>Samuel_Kaplan: ?ADFGIY 13A DeF +42 361
#note This endgame would have been less complicated if I had seen Column E plays such as E1 GAmIFY or GAsIFY. But this wins as well because after Ed blocks O11 YAGI(S) with N12 HEI(R), I can outrun Ed because CI is not flexible to keep after I just block both spots Ed can go out with ICE.
>Edwin_Roth: CEHII L10 I.CHE. +22 367
#note This is a nice play, but it's not going to be enough.
>Samuel_Kaplan: AGIY O11 YAGI. +10 371
#note The idea should have been E1 YAGI. But thankfully spread didn't matter.

While this was not a very good overall tournament for me, I would like to apologize to anyone seeing my games on here for appearing to overly focus on plays that my opponents made that could be "unlucky". I have used that term too much lately and it's not a recipe for success in this game. I do promise to worry more about the best plays I can make going forward. With that said, back to the drawing board.
>Samuel_Kaplan: (I) +2 373
Player 2
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