Game Details
Player 1
#character-encoding UTF-8
#player1 Niel Niel
#player2 Nits Nits
>Niel: EEEPV 8D PEEVE +26 26
#note BALDERDASH, Round 2.
>Nits: AEEHMOT 9C HOME +23 23
#note D7 A(P)OTHEM #knowledgesadder
>Niel: DEIORTU H8 .TOURDIE +80 106
>Nits: AEEELTU 10C EAU +18 41
#note Maybe 10B EALE? Tis within a point
>Niel: CKO 10G C.OK +20 126
>Nits: AAEELTW 11J AWE +18 59
#note J4 LATEWA(K)E #knowledgesaddest
>Niel: AJNS L8 JAN.S +40 166
>Nits: ADELOTT M5 TOTALED +82 141
>Niel: PU 8L ..UP +39 205
>Nits: AFLOQTX N4 FOX +56 197
#note N3 FLOX #findingsaddest
>Niel: EGIINRS 13D RESI.ING +62 267
>Nits: ?ALQRTT 12C QAT +30 227
>Niel: EHY 14D YEH +39 306
>Nits: ??ILNRT O8 .LaNTIeR +77 304
>Nits: ??ILNRT -- -77 227
#note Y'all ever just keep guessing a phony for a high prob alphagram and then lose a turn? Straight to jail #knowledgesaddest
>Niel: AEGRZ O1 GAZER +57 363
>Nits: ??ILNRT 1H TRIpLiN. +74 301
#note O8 (P)LIoTRoN #knowledgesad
>Niel: AF 2J FA +27 390
#note Play was miscounted so the cumulative score was recorded as 400
>Nits: CDDLNOV 3K COD +16 317
#note Chickened out of 15E DOV(E)D/DOV(E)N and also got wayy too concerned about closing off that E. #strategySADDEST
>Niel: GNO 4J GON +17 407
>Niel: BI (challenge) +5 412
>Nits: DILNTVY 15B VILD +22 339
#note #knowledgesad for challenge
>Niel: BI B10 BI +22 434
>Nits: NNRSTWY 2N Y. +20 359
#note Not really sure what my rationale for not playing I5 WYNS was. Wanted to hold onto my S in case I felt like trying PACOS? #strategyLARGE Gonna put a #findingsaddest here too because I can't remember if I saw this
>Niel: U J4 .U +3 437
>Nits: MNNRSTW J4 ..M +12 371
#note Lol all the larges and saddests here idek. O8 (P)WN maybe?
>Niel: S K1 ....S +16 453
>Nits: INNRSTW 10L ..W +14 385
#note Championship player likes 6L W(OX)
>Niel: AAEILOR 2B OLEARIA +70 523
>Nits: BINNRST 3A BRIN +20 405
#note #knowledgesadder for 3A BRINS
>Niel: I J10 ..I. +8 531
#note Final score was recorded as 527-405 after miscalculation + time penalty
>Niel: (NST) +6 537
Player 2
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