Game Details
Player 1
#character-encoding UTF-8
#player1 Trish_Harrop Trish Harrop
#player2 Patrick_Beatrez Patrick Beatrez
>Trish_Harrop: AEELORU 8D AUREOLE +66 66
>Patrick_Beatrez: ADIJMTW 7H JAW +31 31
>Trish_Harrop: COP 6I COP +22 88
>Patrick_Beatrez: ADIMTWX D8 .DMIX +30 61
#note ADMIXT/COPI is clearly best, I didn't see the COPI hook. Either (A)DMIXT or MAT(R)IX look better than trying to hold onto the hook with my play, it is too easy for her to overlap the X and it was pointless to hold the hook.
>Trish_Harrop: BDMU E11 DUMB +33 121
>Patrick_Beatrez: AFNOTUW 5K UNFAT +24 85
#note I saw OUTFAWN but didn't see the DUMBO hook, I had only thought of DUMBS. Really tough miss. 13B OUT(M)AN is better than *UNFAT even if it is a word, I just wanted to make sure the board stayed open. 9G TWO scoring well also looks better.
>Trish_Harrop: AGOST 15D GOATS +34 155
>Patrick_Beatrez: DFHOOSW 4K HOOF +42 127
#note WHOOF is much better. I wasn't sure of it, but I should have played it anyway since I'm in a bad spot. WHOOF opens the top left part of the board.
>Trish_Harrop: CEEHI O5 .ECHIE +33 188
>Patrick_Beatrez: ADEINSW N10 WINED +47 174
>Trish_Harrop: IQ M11 QI +24 212
>Patrick_Beatrez: ABENNSU L12 BUNA +24 198
#note Looks good.
>Trish_Harrop: EEGL O12 GLEE +35 247
>Patrick_Beatrez: DELNRSS 7H ...S +23 221
#note 9G DELS looks great. I am still in range here and don't need to be desperate yet to get a bingo. DELS is still better than JAWS/*HUPS if it is a word.
>Trish_Harrop: AIK 14I AKI. +18 265
>Patrick_Beatrez: DELNNRS N4 ..N +12 233
#note DELS still looks great.
>Trish_Harrop: IN H7 ..IN +11 276
>Patrick_Beatrez: DEGLNRS E5 GEN. +10 243
#note Again 9G S(I)LD looks good to keep scoring pressure.
>Trish_Harrop: IOY 10F YO.I +15 291
>Patrick_Beatrez: ?DLLRRS 6D L.D +8 251
#note Quackle likes trading keeping S? the best.
>Trish_Harrop: T H7 ....T +12 303
>Patrick_Beatrez: ?ELRRSV 5C RE. +6 257
#note I desperately need this board to have a bingo line, so I sacrifice points to open the AREG hook.
>Trish_Harrop: OT 3L TO +19 322
>Patrick_Beatrez: ?ALRRSV D2 RAV.. +16 273
>Trish_Harrop: AEEPRRS B4 SPEARER +70 392
>Trish_Harrop: AEEPRRS -- -70 322
#note She misses the AREG hook and tries *PREG. I still have a chance now.
>Patrick_Beatrez: ?ILRSTV 3C V.LoRIST +74 347
>Patrick_Beatrez: ?ILRSTV -- -74 273
#note I need to find TR(A)VaILS, and it's nearly an even game. I thought for a long time and phonied.
>Trish_Harrop: AEEPRRS C1 REP +20 342
>Patrick_Beatrez: ?ILRSTV 15K T.V +8 281
#note I know she's keeping AERS, so I try to fish. I need to keep scoring to try to win, Quackle suggests J10 STIR(K).
>Trish_Harrop: AERS 7M RE. +13 355
>Patrick_Beatrez: ?ILRSYZ I13 Z. +21 302
#note Everything loses here.
>Trish_Harrop: AAEIRST B5 ATRESIA +66 421
>Trish_Harrop: (??ILOSY) +16 437
Player 2
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