Game Details
Player 1
#character-encoding UTF-8
#player1 Patrick_Beatrez Patrick Beatrez
#player2 Don_Rathberger Don Rathberger
>Patrick_Beatrez: BEGIIPR H4 GRIPE +20 20
#note BIG keeping EIPR is probably better. GIBER is also probably better than GRIPE, keeping the P instead of the B.
>Don_Rathberger: AINNY 4C NAYIN. +20 20
>Don_Rathberger: AINNY -- -20 0
>Patrick_Beatrez: ABEEFIO 5F AE.OBE +16 36
#note BEFORE or FERIAE both look better than AEROBE.
>Don_Rathberger: AINNY 6D NAY +27 27
>Patrick_Beatrez: ?FINUUZ 4K FIZ +35 71
#note Best.
>Don_Rathberger: BI M2 BI. +28 55
>Patrick_Beatrez: ??NRTUU G7 UNTrUeR +65 136
#note pUNcTUR(E) and jUNcTUR(E) are the only bingos that go to the triple.
>Don_Rathberger: AACLN 4B CANAL +20 75
>Patrick_Beatrez: AEORUVX 6K EAUX +33 169
#note Looks fine, maybe 10G (R)OUX to keep the E since AERV is not a bad bingo leave.
>Don_Rathberger: IQ N1 QI +30 105
>Patrick_Beatrez: COORVVW 11D VRO.W +22 191
#note Looks fine, 7C VOW for two less is better on static equity but I like blocking the floaters.
>Don_Rathberger: I 1N .I +33 138
>Patrick_Beatrez: CFHOPSV C2 CH.P +22 213
#note 3C FOPS for 41 is too many points to give up. CHV is not great, but not horrible.
>Don_Rathberger: ILL 7J ILL +12 150
>Patrick_Beatrez: DDFNOSV 13F F.OND +10 223
#note 12F F(E)OD is better since it scores so much more.
>Don_Rathberger: GNOW 10F W.ONG +38 188
>Patrick_Beatrez: DEESUVY 12J EYED +19 242
#note Same word plays with ALE for a lot more. SEEDY for 42 has to be best. I saw B4 (C)UVEE but it opens up a huge spot for my opponent.
>Don_Rathberger: AOR 11K ARO +21 209
>Patrick_Beatrez: AESTTUV 8K STAVE +39 281
#note Looks fine with so many S's left. 13L VATU is best on static equity, but leaves the triple that I am using now.
>Don_Rathberger: AEHKS 14J HAKES +55 264
>Patrick_Beatrez: JNOTTTU - +0 281
#note Terrible challenge. I should know the 4s, especially HAKE since it has a K. I am still in a decent position if I leave HAKES and play 7C JUT, putting myself up by 39 and getting rid of the J.
>Don_Rathberger: EGOR D8 GRO.E +22 286
>Patrick_Beatrez: JNOTTTU O7 J.TTON +14 295
#note Blocking my JUT spot, so now my options are way worse. Quackle suggest trading 7 here, which is interesting since my rack is so bad and the pool is good, especially with the two S's. I hadn't even considered trading here since I could play off so many tiles with JETTON. Quackle has trading as 25% to win, and JETTON as 21%.
>Don_Rathberger: AMST 15H MAST +28 314
>Patrick_Beatrez: DEIIOTU 14B OUTIE +21 316
#note Nothing wins here, this looks fine.
>Don_Rathberger: DEELMRS 8A MER.E +24 338
#note Quackle finds 2C (C)EL setting up DERMS that I can't easily block. Otherwise 15A DEME is best, he said he saw this but wasn't sure of the word. He would lose if it was challenged off, so it was smart to play a valid word. MERGE is bad since I can play IMID/MIDI, but I didn't notice that.
>Patrick_Beatrez: DII 9A ID +10 326
#note 15A ID is better by two points, he can still go out with MILDS. MIDI/IMID are 15 points better.
>Don_Rathberger: DLS 3L L.S +17 355
#note He again didn't want to risk the game on his best endgame play of (MI)LDS so he took the sure win. MILDS is 5 better.
>Patrick_Beatrez: I 3C .I +7 333
#note Best.
>Patrick_Beatrez: (D) +4 337
Player 2
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