Game Details
Player 1
#character-encoding UTF-8
#player1 Patrick_Beatrez Patrick Beatrez
#player2 Tracy_Cobbs Tracy Cobbs
>Patrick_Beatrez: BDEEFVX H4 VEXED +40 40
#note Missing FEDEX for 8 more.
>Tracy_Cobbs: ?AAEIRV 8A VARIAtE. +86 86
#note Only bingo to the triple.
>Patrick_Beatrez: BCFOPRU 5D FORC.P +26 66
#note Not a word, but there wasn't any way to get through all the clunky consonants from my rack. 7E PUB(E) is better on static equity but I wanted to keep all the floaters open.
>Tracy_Cobbs: DEELNSU B4 UNSE.LED +63 149
>Patrick_Beatrez: ?BEGSTU G7 B.G +18 84
#note Only bingo is B(A)rGUEST.
>Tracy_Cobbs: ADFY D2 DAF.Y +30 179
>Patrick_Beatrez: ?AEISTU J5 SInUATE +74 158
>Tracy_Cobbs: DLNOTU K7 UNTOLD +25 204
>Patrick_Beatrez: EEGJOWW C10 WOWEE +30 188
#note Best.
>Tracy_Cobbs: AINORSS 14B S.NSORIA +70 274
>Patrick_Beatrez: AAEGJKO H13 J.G +33 221
>Tracy_Cobbs: Q 9I Q.. +22 296
>Patrick_Beatrez: AAEIKOY L12 OAKY +36 257
#note 8J UN(YOKE) looks best since it scores so much better, even though it keeps AAI.
>Tracy_Cobbs: NOPR A1 PORN +24 320
>Patrick_Beatrez: AEIIIRR M8 AIRIER +22 279
>Tracy_Cobbs: AEN 15L .EAN +21 341
>Patrick_Beatrez: BCIIILT C1 LIB +21 300
>Tracy_Cobbs: ENZ N6 ZEN +34 375
>Patrick_Beatrez: CHIIOTU O8 TOUCH +51 351
#note I don't see any way to play for a win here, so TOUCH looks fine.
>Tracy_Cobbs: AELMOTT L4 MOLT +14 389
#note He was low on time and wasn't sure if he was risking the game on MATELOT, so he decided to take the sure win.
>Patrick_Beatrez: GHIIIMT M3 HIM +24 375
#note 12C WIGHT and WHIM are best.
>Tracy_Cobbs: AET A10 TAE +14 403
#note D12 ET(N)A is his best out.
>Tracy_Cobbs: (GIIT) +10 413
Player 2
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