Game Details
Player 1
#character-encoding UTF-8
#player1 Mark_Miller Mark Miller
#player2 Samuel_Kaplan Samuel Kaplan
>Mark_Miller: AAEGZ 8D AGAZE +32 32
>Samuel_Kaplan: EEIILOS D8 .IOLI +10 10
#note 9C LEI seems to win the sim but the leave of EIOS looked too vowel heavy to me. Maybe 9C OI could be slightly better if I had more consonants to use as I don't have any good plays using the Z.
>Mark_Miller: IQ C12 QI +33 65
>Samuel_Kaplan: AEEEPRS G8 .EP +15 25
#note ZEE is better equity but Mark will hit me hard a lot of the time after that. My play, which does sim nicely, is close with 9F EAR.
>Mark_Miller: ?KNORWY 7H WONKeRY +73 138
#note Only bingo for Mark, nice find.
>Samuel_Kaplan: AEENRSW M2 ANSWE.ER +74 99
#note K5 WA(K)ENERS was missed. That's bad.
>Mark_Miller: CEEUV 4H CUVEE. +28 166
>Samuel_Kaplan: EEILMTT 8L M.ET +38 137
#note Best play.
>Mark_Miller: IMNOOT 6D MOTION +18 184
>Samuel_Kaplan: DEIILPT 5E PIT +22 159
#note His last play was interesting. I wonder if he perhaps didn't think of AMOTION or EMOTION when he played MOTION. While I liked PIT over DIP with the T in MEET available, C2 PITIED scores enough that I should just do that instead of hoping he misses the hooks if he drew them. #strategymedium
>Mark_Miller: AEGRRY C2 GRAYER +31 215
#note I guess he spotted it in time.
>Samuel_Kaplan: DEHILNT D1 HIED +35 194
#note Ooh H4 (C)H(OWE)D is beautiful and not obvious to spot. I neeeded to hang on to my E and I for balance and there's not much of either of those left.
>Mark_Miller: AAGORT 1D .AGAROT +33 248
#note I somehow thought this could have been an alternate spelling of the valid AGOROTH. I was dead wrong, this is phony.
>Samuel_Kaplan: AILNORT H10 AROINT +25 219
#note If I challenge HAGAROT* off, I get down (H)ORNTAIL. Another costly mistake on my end. This game would have been so much different.
>Mark_Miller: BDFI 13E BIF.D +17 265
>Samuel_Kaplan: ?BDEFLU 14D DEF +32 251
#note Probably just 6L F(E)D is fine even with this spot being tempting to take. #visionsmall
>Mark_Miller: ALUV 15A ULVA +28 293
>Samuel_Kaplan: ?BILSUU L1 BLU. +13 264
#note I did not know 15H (T)UBULInS in this case.
>Mark_Miller: CEHT 11H .ETCH +20 313
>Samuel_Kaplan: ?EINOSU 14H .ONISsUE +71 335
#note So some non-bingo options sim ahead of bingoing here because I thought it would be easier for Mark to block my potential out bingoes than it really is. I can draw into a decent amount of stuff by playing J10 UT for 4. If Mark has the J and X on his rack, I can pull this one out! That is actually a brilliant idea that I didn't think of. However, he would have needed to have drawn both because I believe he would have dumped either the J or the X if he had either one of them when he played RETCH. However, this still wins if he does have the J and X on his rack because I would still get 16 from him from either way.
>Mark_Miller: AJLNOSS O12 JO.S +57 370
#note This is Mark's only win.
>Samuel_Kaplan: DX K3 D.X +26 361
#note I can't depend on Mark to screw up because by doing 2L LA(X), he then goes out with 10A SAL(O)N. Another frustrating loss, but I did this to myself in part by accepting HAGAROT* and missing WAKENERS. I unfortunately haven't played as well as I'm capable of playing in this tournament. And I now have to play Will Anderson, who is the hardest player in the field. So yea, brush this one off and get ready for a challenging one that I've been waiting for. 1-4 -280.
>Samuel_Kaplan: (ALNS) +8 369
Player 2
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