Game Details
Player 1
#character-encoding UTF-8
#player1 Patrick_Beatrez Patrick Beatrez
#player2 Darin_True Darin True
>Patrick_Beatrez: AEEGHST H7 HAG +14 14
#note Very close between GHEE and HAG. GHEE sets up my S, so my bingos will score more, but he's likely to block the E's that will help me bingo.
>Darin_True: ?AEHLRV I2 HaVERAL +71 71
#note Not a word, confusing it with HAVEREL. I thought this was not the correct spelling, but I had just had a few high-probability words that I incorrectly challenged, and I saw that he had better plays with HALVERS above or below HAG, so I let it go.
>Patrick_Beatrez: BEENOST H1 NEB +23 37
#note Talked myself off of BONESET here. NEB looks fine.
>Darin_True: AGJ G6 JAG +23 94
>Patrick_Beatrez: AEORSTT 10B ROTATES +69 106
>Darin_True: EES 4I .EES +14 108
>Patrick_Beatrez: ?FNNOOX 11C FOX +51 157
>Darin_True: BEILRSU K1 BLU.SIER +70 178
#note Only bingo, nice find.
>Patrick_Beatrez: ?ENNORW 12D WEN +34 191
#note RENOWNS/NEWBORN. WEN looks fine.
>Darin_True: DDEI 1K .IDED +30 208
>Patrick_Beatrez: ?AENOOR 13F OREgANO +59 250
#note This or RATOONER. With only one S left, the OREGANOS hook isn't very dangerous, so I thought OREGANO gave back less than RATOONER.
>Darin_True: EITV 8K .IVET +27 235
>Patrick_Beatrez: AENOOTT 12J NOTATE +22 272
#note Looks good, maybe 12H OATEN is better to knock out the 12H spot while I have a lead.
>Darin_True: IIII -IIII +0 235
#note He said he just drew a bunch of I's, guess they finally found their way out of the bag.
>Patrick_Beatrez: ADNOOWZ H12 Z.DA +72 344
>Darin_True: MMY O12 .MMY +33 268
>Patrick_Beatrez: IKNNOOW 14C KNOW +33 377
#note 14J WONK.
>Darin_True: AIIL 15A ILIA +24 292
>Patrick_Beatrez: AFINOUY 14J YONI +35 412
>Darin_True: CRU N1 .CRU +12 304
>Patrick_Beatrez: ADEFGQU N10 QA. +32 444
#note 11M FAG holding QU is a nice play, I didn't know the GEMMY hook.
>Darin_True: P 2G P.. +8 312
>Patrick_Beatrez: DEFGILU B4 FUGLIE. +15 459
#note Without using the GEMMY hook, Quackle finds an interesting play of K11 G(ONO)F which empties the bag but gets rid of the clunk.
>Darin_True: CIIORSU 4B .OCUS +20 332
#note 8A SIC/CIS blocking my best out are best. He went -10 overtime.
>Patrick_Beatrez: DPT 8A D.PT +24 483
>Patrick_Beatrez: (IIR) +6 489
Player 2
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