Game Details
Player 1
#character-encoding UTF-8
#player1 Darin_True Darin True
#player2 Patrick_Beatrez Patrick Beatrez
>Darin_True: III -III +0 0
>Patrick_Beatrez: DEEGJST H4 JESTED +44 44
>Darin_True: ADEESTY G8 YEASTED +72 72
#note Only bingo.
>Patrick_Beatrez: ADFGINT - +0 44
#note Bad challenge. I thought the only front hook to EASTING was FEASTING, but I shouldn't be challenging words this high probability based on a thought. FA(S)TING is 44.
>Darin_True: EHNOY H11 HONEY +49 121
>Patrick_Beatrez: ADFGINT 4H .ADING +30 74
#note FA(SH)ING for 56.
>Darin_True: ELM F8 ELM +31 152
>Patrick_Beatrez: AEFIKRT E9 FAKE +35 109
#note FAKIE might be better given all the I's still remaining.
>Darin_True: OW D11 OW +26 178
>Patrick_Beatrez: EEIIMRT 13A MITER +32 141
#note Really bad miss of ITEMI(S)ER. I saw EMERITI didn't have anywhere to play and I wasn't even looking at the S. TIMER and MITER look pretty close.
>Darin_True: IQ 6F QI. +32 210
>Patrick_Beatrez: CEEGILT A12 E.IC +27 168
#note No O for ECLOGITE, sad. GI(M)EL looks better to shed another consonant, but EMIC is fine.
>Darin_True: AHO 3I HAO +24 234
>Patrick_Beatrez: AEGILNT M2 LE.ATING +76 244
#note Highest scoring bingo, GENITAL fits on top of HAO and is an interesting play, but I want to make sure the right side of the board gets open.
>Darin_True: ??FORUU 2C FURiOUs +63 297
#note Only bingo, nice find.
>Patrick_Beatrez: ACDEGRT 8J CAR.ET +27 271
#note I10 CADGE is a very strong play. I wanted to play with the O8 triple to open up bingo lines.
>Darin_True: AINV 1A VAIN +32 329
>Patrick_Beatrez: ADGILNZ K7 L.ZING +32 303
#note GLI(T)Z for 39 looks solid, but I liked setting up for the X and hoping to draw it, while leaving the T open for (unlikely) potential bingos.
>Darin_True: AENP J10 PEAN +27 356
#note He sniffed it out.
>Patrick_Beatrez: ABDIORX B11 OX.D +39 342
#note And I drew the X and would've had a big play. Unlucky.
>Darin_True: BU 6K BU. +24 380
>Patrick_Beatrez: ABIRRST L8 .AT +21 363
#note There's not really anything to fish for since he can just block the T. A8 TRIS(EMIC) is a nice play.
>Darin_True: OOPSW 14J SWOOP +33 413
>Patrick_Beatrez: BIILRRS 15M RIB +21 384
#note He's not V stuck since he has both LUV and AVO. However, if I start with N1 LI and he plays AVO, then he will be either R or U stuck after my play of RIB. This would be my best endgame, getting to a 10 point loss.
>Darin_True: ORUV 2M .UV +12 425
>Patrick_Beatrez: ILRS O2 .IRLS +9 393
>Patrick_Beatrez: (OR) +4 397
Player 2
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