Game Details
Player 1
#player1 Billy Billy
#player2 Andrea Andrea
>Billy: AEEIKOP 8H AKEE +16 16
#note I am Gibsonized here. The director announces that we need to vacate the venue relatively soon. I decide to blitz. Had I taken my time, I would have found one of the many 5 letter words here.
>Andrea: IMNT 9H MINT +22 22
>Billy: AIINOPT 10F POI +16 32
>Andrea: EJT 7K JET +21 43
>Billy: AGIINRT 11H AIRTING +72 104
#note 11F instead is better
>Andrea: ACILRST L1 ARTICL.S +84 127
>Billy: DDLVWYZ 1K W.DDY +39 143
>Andrea: ABIOV 5G BIOVA. +26 153
#note Andrea says she had the U here for BIVOUAC, but couldn't remember how to spell it. This looked bad to me, but I decided that I was only 95% sure this was bad and I wanted to move the game along. Obviously, I need to challenge this.
>Billy: AEILRVZ N4 LAZE +44 187
#note An apt word choice here. M9 ZA(N)IER is best.
>Andrea: HMW H3 WH.M +16 169
>Billy: ?EGIRSV 12B GRIEVeS +80 267
>Andrea: EGILN B9 NIG.LE +20 189
>Billy: ACEEIOR A6 CERIA +25 292
#note Was not sure on NIGGLER here and didn't want to think about it. 15A ERICA
>Andrea: AENQU C5 QUEAN +20 209
>Billy: EEOOOTY A14 YO +20 312
#note EYE is an improvement on the same idea to block row 15.
>Andrea: ABHS O5 BASH +54 263
>Billy: ADEEOOT G4 O.OE +16 328
>Andrea: DFOO 12L FOOD +35 298
>Billy: ?ADESTT 5C .AT +24 352
>Andrea: LOP F6 POL +26 324
>Billy: ?DEERST G12 .D +4 356
#note I did not see that I could bingo immediately with D7 DESTr(I)ER. However, not bingoing appears to be correct anyway, leaving 1 in the bag. I chose this placement to make it difficult to block bingos I may draw. I did not iterate this at the time, but it appears that draws of E, N, R, and X are unblockable. F and U also yield bingos, but they can be blocked with some outside the box thinking.
>Andrea: EX F12 .EX +32 356
>Billy: ?EEFRST 15D FETtERS +103 459
>Billy: (NNRUUU) +12 471
Player 2
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