Game Details
Player 1
#player1 Rafi Rafi
#player2 Billy Billy
>Rafi: AAEEORX 8F AXE +20 20
>Billy: AAEIRSW 7G AWA +23 23
>Rafi: AEGORRU 6E EURO +22 42
>Billy: DEEIIRS 9H DIE +13 36
#note I should have considered fishing just I more. DEEIRS is stronger than I thought; it takes my bingo % from 50% to 81%!
>Rafi: AEFGNRS 10J FAG +28 70
>Billy: EEIJLRS 5H JEER +38 74
>Rafi: EFNNRSW 6J WEN +29 99
>Billy: DGILLSS M2 GILLS +19 93
#note Overthought this turn. My idea is that I didn't want to project a 2nd S so that Rafi isn't incentivized to block row 11. The reality is that he plays there so often that it doesn't matter what I project. I need to just take points and play GILDS as I was considering.
>Rafi: ABFNORS 5C FOB +24 123
>Billy: BDDNOSY 11K BODY +31 124
#note Decided to sac points here because I felt Rafi was closer to a bingo than I was and didn't want to get hit with a 2x2.
>Rafi: AENRRST 2H STRAN.ER +72 195
>Billy: DENSTUZ F8 .DZ +33 157
#note I'm in big trouble here. Looking to keep the board dynamic and ADZ actually beats ZENDO for 50 in the sim.
>Rafi: GHINNPQ N10 H.PING +46 241
#note Rafi noted later that he missed L8 QI(GO)NG
>Billy: CENSTUU 1C UNCUTE +33 190
#note Quackle wants me to play this at A11. That might be the most volatile board I've ever seen. I liked this spot because it seemed like the most dangerous for a scoring play and it opens a better spot for -S bingos while keeping one.
>Rafi: ?DINPQV M13 QI +46 287
>Billy: AELNOST 11A TOLANES +78 268
>Rafi: ?ADNPVV D10 V.V +18 305
>Billy: ?AEISTU O1 U.InATES +113 381
#note EUSTATIc is better but I couldn't generate it. Never gonna be mad about a 3x3 though.
>Rafi: ?ADHNPR 14G HANDPR..t +68 373
#note Rafi said that he couldn't resist playing the flashy bingo, but that N(T)H might do a better job fighting. NTH would fish for PA(NTH)ERs which he is an E draw away from. This would be blockable if I figured out what he was doing, though there is no guarantee.
>Billy: IILMOOY 15F LIMO +37 418
#note Any bingo is an automatic loss here, so I decided to take out the more likely lane even though spread probably does matter here. I wanted to preserve my Y for spots like A12 and D4, but LIMY scores enough more to warrant dropping it. I never even saw it though because I forgot to consider HM overlaps.
>Rafi: AIKMORT A8 KRA.OM +39 412
>Billy: CEIOOTY 4B COY +31 449
#note I saw OOCYTE but not COYOTE on my rack. Some combo of ICE + TOYO is the next best idea, but I was low on time and didn't generate it. This is still 100% to win.
>Rafi: EIOT 4J TOI. +17 429
>Billy: EIIT B7 TIE +11 460
>Rafi: I O14 .I +12 441
>Rafi: (E) +2 443
Player 2
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