Game Details
Player 1
#player1 Billy Billy
#player2 Vicky Vicky
>Billy: ?CDDELS 8C SCoLDED +76 76
>Vicky: IQ 7B QI +15 15
>Billy: EEEGINV F8 .EVEEING +72 148
>Vicky: LORT - +0 15
#note Challenged LEVEEING
>Billy: AAEINNW 15B WANI.AN +36 184
#note WIGAN
>Vicky: LORT 7H ROTL +11 26
>Billy: ABEEGTT K1 GETTAB.E +72 256
>Vicky: HORTW L8 WORTH +39 65
>Billy: AALMSTY 2J M.ALY +32 288
#note Looking to avoid disaster scenarios here. GAMAY is slightly better even though I was afraid of not keeping a vowel.
>Vicky: PRV 11E P.RV +18 83
>Billy: AEIISTU 4K .UI +6 294
#note TI(B)IAE or AU(RE)I here. Basically 100% to win regardless.
>Vicky: IMNX 6C MINX +34 117
>Billy: AEFISTU 10J FU. +14 308
#note These past 2 turns are bad habits of lazy fishing
>Vicky: CDO 14A COD +25 142
>Billy: AEIPRST 13I PIASTER +86 394
#note I literally wrote out all the anagrams here, including PRATIES, and considered overlapping MINX, but still somehow missed that it played.
>Vicky: TZ J12 T.Z +32 174
>Billy: ADIJLOS N10 JOL.S +56 450
#note Another bad habit to instantly slap this down. Should have found and given consideration to JAILOR and JADES here.
>Vicky: EKN 12C KNE. +20 194
>Billy: AADEEIO O12 A.IE +20 470
>Vicky: BI 5D BI +16 210
>Billy: ADEOOOU 4D ODEA +24 494
>Vicky: FGI 3G FIG +22 232
>Billy: AEHOOUY 1N OY +20 514
#note Sim winner is YAHOO which I didn't see, because it blocks potential bingos like SERRANO. I did see that I was 5/9 to hit a play on the top row with 2 draws, or about 7/9. But I can also play HOAGY now for 61!
>Vicky: ?AERRSU M6 RUER +15 247
>Billy: AEHNOOU 1G ENOU.H +55 569
>Vicky: ?AS 9A AsS +10 257
>Vicky: (AO) +4 261
Player 2
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