Game Details
Player 1
#player1 Ed Ed
#player2 Billy Billy
>Ed: RUY 8F RYU +12 12
>Billy: ADEGIIU F6 AU.EI +9 9
>Ed: IX E10 XI +27 39
>Billy: ?DEGIIQ D11 QI +33 42
>Billy: ?ADEGIM J2 GAMED +41 83
#note Saw DIGAMIEs here but didn't like it positionally. IMAGED, the sim winner seemed a little too aggro for me. This still beats out the bingo.
>Ed: GIOY K1 YOGI +29 153
>Billy: ?DGIMNR L4 DIM +26 109
#note DING is a better version of my play. DRUM/DUM go all out for the bingo but I was slightly afraid of overlaps on the L column. The pool is much more vowel heavy than I thought, so it makes sense to try to preserve my I.
>Ed: DEF M3 DEF +27 180
>Billy: ?EGNORS 13D SNOGgER +72 181
#note Did not see pRESONG, only SPONGER. Also missed that I could start bingos with an E using IDEM, but saw that in later turns.
>Ed: HITW - +0 180
#note Challenged
>Billy: ACKNORT E3 CORK +26 207
#note Quackle wants OK here. I thought that a bit too aggro. There are no vowel floaters and the pool still has more consonants so there is disaster potential. Sim shows that OK yields 9 more points to opponent on average next turn, is a wash for my next turn, and somehow saves 6 points on opponent's 2nd turn thereby winning the sim. Not sure I understand this one.
>Ed: HITW G4 WITH. +34 214
>Billy: AANTUUV 12J AVAUNT +22 229
#note This is the clear sim winner, a bit to my surprise.
>Ed: CENOSTV N7 CONVE.TS +92 306
>Billy: AABLRUW 14J BAWL. +27 256
#note Sim really likes BL(O)W here, but that feels like giving up to me. Yes, it should still be relatively easy to block row 15, but I have to open something right?
>Ed: ?BELL 15F BELLs +23 329
#note I was shocked at this one. He could have misdesignated the blank and I probably wouldn't have challenged.
>Billy: AEHORTU 1K .OUTH +36 292
>Ed: AD O8 DA +20 349
>Billy: AEJOOPR D4 JO +38 330
>Ed: EINR D4 ..INER +22 371
>Billy: AEIOPPR 8A POP. +24 354
>Ed: AEELNOS N1 .OES +20 391
>Billy: AEFIRRT A1 FIRETRA. +92 446
#note I'm lucky he missed this as possibility and even luckier to actually draw it from a 3 tile pull. Blocking would have won him the game.
>Billy: (AEELN) +10 456
Player 2
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