Game Details
Player 1
#character-encoding UTF-8
#player1 Dan_Wachtell Dan Wachtell
#player2 Samuel_Kaplan Samuel Kaplan
>Dan_Wachtell: ??NOSUY - +0 0
#note Not actual rack. Dan exchanged 6 tiles here.
>Samuel_Kaplan: EGIIOST -GIO +0 0
#note Against a more aggressive player, perhaps playing through with 8G GI might be considered more. But I know that it's not what Dan's game is like. So I liked exchanging better, and it's a pretty big equity sacrifice to keep an O with an otherwise promising EIST leave.
>Dan_Wachtell: AEMNNP 8D PENMAN +26 26
>Samuel_Kaplan: CEEISTT 7H TEC +11 11
#note G7 SMECTITE is a hard bingo to spot. But against an overall harder field, the bar is raised higher. #findinglarge
>Dan_Wachtell: IQ 9C QI +25 51
>Samuel_Kaplan: AEIISTT 10B AIT +21 32
#note Even without a G or W, I can't afford to fall into the trap of repeatedly fishing and missing. I chose this over TIE to at least keep an E for the ETA hook.
>Dan_Wachtell: EFNRU F6 FU.NER +19 70
>Samuel_Kaplan: EEEGIST E4 GIE +13 45
#note This time I felt more uneasy between GIE and GEE in this spot. Without an O or A, and with so many lurking in the pool, GEE felt a bit reckless.
>Dan_Wachtell: ?AGNOOP A8 POGONiA +85 155
#note This is Dan's only bingo, nice find.
>Samuel_Kaplan: EEHOSTV 15A SHOVE +75 120
#note I guess part of me didn't mind him bingoing if I had amazing counterplay!
>Dan_Wachtell: DHIMOS K2 MODISH +33 188
>Samuel_Kaplan: ?CDEENT L7 sCENTED +83 203
#note I unfortunatly rushed this play because I realized this was better than anything else I had before Dan played MODISH. But the fact is, 11E T(R)ENChED or C(R)ENaTED are better regardless of what Dan played prior. #visionmedium
>Dan_Wachtell: ARW 8L .RAW +27 215
>Samuel_Kaplan: AABLORY L1 BORA +30 233
#note I liked this play a lot as ALY is a flexible leave both for bingoing and future scoring potential.
>Dan_Wachtell: EERTX M11 EXERT +41 256
#note This is where I was stumped. I really wanted to go the scoring route after Dan played 5 tiles.
>Samuel_Kaplan: AJLLOYZ M2 LAY +30 263
#note This was where the game could have gone either way. After Dan drew 5 random tiles, I liked the idea of going the scoring route instead of trying to bingo as soon as possible knowing I wouldn't be likely bingo next turn no matter what I do. 15M (T)AJ was the only reasonable move that blocked the 3x3, and even if I do that, I don't even see a spot to score with ZILL should I pick an I. And after I do N7 L(A)ZY after TAJ, it's pretty much bingo or bust after that. The sim actually backs up my choice putting this behind only N10 ZA with how often I win. If Dan played 1 or 2 tiles, perhaps TAJ would have been the play because I can at least use my Z to score back after Dan bingoes.
>Dan_Wachtell: AEORSVY 15H OVERS.AY +185 441
#note That was the last thing I anticipated. Very unlucky. And even if Dan doesn't see this, he still had 4A VOYA(G)ERS for 90.
>Samuel_Kaplan: IJKLOWZ 14F JOW +34 297
#note Unfortunately, this game is pretty much no longer winnable and it's time to cut spread.
>Dan_Wachtell: BELRU 4C BU.LER +20 461
>Samuel_Kaplan: GIIKLOZ 10J ZI. +32 329
>Dan_Wachtell: ADL K9 D.AL +29 490
>Samuel_Kaplan: FGIKLOU H1 FOU. +21 350
#note Yea, I don't think 3G FOU will help me if FE doesn't take any front hooks.
>Dan_Wachtell: DEST N1 TEDS +35 525
>Samuel_Kaplan: AGIIIKL 11E K.AI +16 366
#note C2 KI(B)LA is several points better. Was down to under a minute. #findingsmall
>Dan_Wachtell: INTU O11 UNIT. +9 534
#note Honestly, I don't think I played that badly this game aside from missing SMECTITE and missing the 2x2s when I did SCENTED. But those mistakes are more capable of being magnified in Division 1. The LAY turn was an interesting one and I didn't like my prospects too much after blocking the T in EXERT. But as I mentioned earlier, Dan does take a pretty good lead regardless of what I do. Good game Dan! And after this, his highest game was just 402. So there you have it, I got the short end of the stick. 0-1 -178. Yuck. I need to find a way to win game 1 in future tournaments, which I have not been doing a good job of doing. That's one of the most important ones to win.
>Dan_Wachtell: (GIIL) +10 544
Player 2
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