Game Details
Player 1
#character-encoding UTF-8
#player1 James_Fields James Fields
#player2 Patrick_Beatrez Patrick Beatrez
>James_Fields: ACDIR 8H DARIC +22 22
#note CAIRD doesn't put a vowel next to a DLS.
>Patrick_Beatrez: EEIQSTT 7G QI +24 24
#note It's close whether to take the extra point with QI or to play off the duplicated T with Q(A)T, I think I should have played QAT.
>James_Fields: HNO J6 HO.N +15 37
>Patrick_Beatrez: EEKRSTT 6I K.ET +11 35
#note Dropping the K scores 1 more keeping EERSTT.
>James_Fields: ?AEINSV M8 SAVINEs +79 116
#note Plays with KHETS score slightly more but open the triple line.
>Patrick_Beatrez: EEMRSTU - +0 35
#note I didn't know DARICS so I challenged, but in hindsight he had two other places to play his bingos so I should've just let it go, he clearly wouldn't play the hook here if he wasn't sure of it.
>James_Fields: EGNORSY 10D ERYNGOS +81 197
#note Plays on top of OK/SHORN for 5 more.
>Patrick_Beatrez: EEMRSTU E5 MUSTE.ER +90 125
>Patrick_Beatrez: EEMRSTU -- -90 35
#note Awful word, I shouldn't even try this.
>James_Fields: AEEFZ 5K FEAZE +46 243
>Patrick_Beatrez: EEMRSTU O4 M.ETER +33 68
#note EM(E)UTE is a lot better keeping RS rather than US.
>James_Fields: CHO 12J CHO. +18 261
>Patrick_Beatrez: ILPRSUU D5 PURLI.US +72 140
#note Only bingo.
>James_Fields: LU 5D .UL +10 271
>Patrick_Beatrez: AEEIIRS 8A RIE. +12 152
#note Making sure the board stays open, I need to make something happen fast.
>James_Fields: NOPTY B6 PO.NTY +19 290
#note 14J POT(S)Y plays for 30, he should probably take the points rather than go full-on blocking mode.
>Patrick_Beatrez: AABDEIS 14H DIABA.ES +74 226
#note Only bingo.
>James_Fields: AEF H12 FA.E +36 326
>Patrick_Beatrez: DGIJLRT 13G J.G +26 252
#note Looks good.
>James_Fields: EIW O12 WI.E +33 359
>Patrick_Beatrez: DEILORT 15A DOLERIT. +80 332
#note Best bingo.
>James_Fields: BOT - +0 359
>Patrick_Beatrez: DILOOTX 14E OX +52 384
#note Big turn of events, he challenges DOLERITE and I draw the X bomb. I should play DOX instead of OX to take the 5 extra points, I was totally not thinking of anythin besides OX.
>James_Fields: BOT 11K OB.T +26 385
>Patrick_Beatrez: DILNOTW 15J DOW +27 411
#note Quackle puts M3 TW(A) as the top play, but I am not sure why. It keeps a second vowel, but that's the only upside I see. It also puts 14A OW above DOW, but that one makes sense to block the scoring spot for the M.
>James_Fields: AAAMNUV A4 VAU +14 399
#note Best.
>Patrick_Beatrez: ?GILNT G2 GIlL +11 422
#note The worst play that still wins. M2 LIT(A)s is a tough spot, and G4 cIN(Q) is slightly worse than that. However, I should've found something like G1 LINGS. GILL allows him to block both of my out plays to cut the spread to very close.
>James_Fields: AAMN 14A AMA +23 422
#note E3 MA(U)N is best blocking both of my outs.
>Patrick_Beatrez: NT E4 N.T +5 427
>Patrick_Beatrez: (N) +2 429
Player 2
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