Game Details
Player 1
#character-encoding UTF-8
#player1 Patrick_Beatrez Patrick Beatrez
#player2 Darin_True Darin True
>Patrick_Beatrez: ADDHNNR H5 HAND +16 16
>Darin_True: IORVY 9D IVORY +24 24
>Patrick_Beatrez: ADNRSTW 8A WANT +27 43
#note SANDWORT. DAWT looks better than WANT.
>Darin_True: QU 6F QU. +32 56
>Patrick_Beatrez: DLOORSS I4 ROD +23 66
#note Missing the SHANDY hook. SOLDO or ODORS hooking SHANDY looks strong. ROOD instead of my ROD play scoring 2 more points looks better than my play.
>Darin_True: ?HIIOPT 3H OPHITIc +88 144
#note Best bingo, the only other bingo is HOsPITI(A).
>Patrick_Beatrez: LORSSTT - +0 66
>Darin_True: AABEGLR B2 ALGEBR. +32 176
>Patrick_Beatrez: LORSSTT E4 LOST +23 89
>Darin_True: AAW A4 AWA +20 196
>Patrick_Beatrez: ALNORST E9 .AN +12 101
>Darin_True: KP 10D P.K +40 236
>Patrick_Beatrez: ELORSTV 12D REVOLTS +79 180
#note Only bingo.
>Darin_True: ABRU D1 BURA +22 258
>Patrick_Beatrez: EEEENTT L3 .ENET +10 190
#note Weak play but at least it keeps the board open. 4I (R)ETE looks better.
>Darin_True: DDO K2 D.DO +19 277
>Patrick_Beatrez: EEFIIIT 1D .EFIT +30 220
>Darin_True: EISZ 8L SIZE +49 326
>Patrick_Beatrez: EGIIMNS 13G MI +16 236
#note No bingos, this looks best.
>Darin_True: ACEF 13A FACE +20 346
>Patrick_Beatrez: AEGIINS A13 .IE +18 254
#note No bingos again, this looks fine.
>Darin_True: CEOX J8 COXE. +30 376
>Patrick_Beatrez: AGINOSU N8 .AG +17 271
#note No idea what to do here so I just played something. I should keep the E open to bingo but there aren't many decent plays here.
>Darin_True: MY A1 MY +26 402
>Patrick_Beatrez: ?EINOSU 2J O. +12 283
#note I only saw NIVEOUS and did not want to give the huge spot for an E under LIN for him to sam with the J. However, there is also ELUSION and ENVIOUS which I missed, so this is poor.
>Darin_True: EGIJN O7 J.EING +21 423
>Patrick_Beatrez: ?EINSUU N1 UN.I +6 289
#note No spot for UNIqUES, playing longer at N1 looks better with something like UNCIAE.
>Darin_True: ELR 1M R.E +9 432
#note G5 R(U)E is 13.
>Patrick_Beatrez: ?ESU 14D EcUS +13 302
#note B10 UVEAS or UREAS is 3 more.
>Patrick_Beatrez: (L) +2 304
Player 2
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