Game Details
Player 1
#character-encoding UTF-8
#player1 Patrick_Beatrez Patrick Beatrez
#player2 Matt_Canik Matt Canik
>Patrick_Beatrez: BDEINRR H7 RIB +10 10
#note Lots of possible plays here: RIB, DRIB, BRR, and BINDER all look like decent options. The sim likes BINDER the best, but it gives more floaters than the other options. I like RIB keeping the D hook, but BRR makes my opponent's life difficult for the first turn. I'm still happy with RIB.
>Matt_Canik: GINOPRV 7G P.OVING +19 19
#note No home for PROVING.
>Patrick_Beatrez: ADEFNOR 8M OAF +21 31
#note Looks better than taking the points with FORA(G)ED.
>Matt_Canik: AAEGORT 9G A.ROGATE +71 90
#note Only bingo, nice find.
>Patrick_Beatrez: ?DENQRY K3 REDY.N. +24 55
#note Not a word. QI is going to be better on equity, but I already need to be proactive about the board closing down. DYING is probably my best play with a real word. K2 QuERY(I)N(G) for 40 is an interesting play that I hadn't considered, I still think I like my play.
>Matt_Canik: DEGILNO 4E ELOIGN.D +72 162
#note Best bingo.
>Patrick_Beatrez: ?EQRTUY 10A ToRQUEY +75 130
#note Only bingo. Perhaps I can consider E2 QU(E)Y for 32 keeping ERT?, but I can still run into problems if he can shut down the bingo lanes I need. QUEY creates a new lane next to the Y to go along with under the A in ABROGATE, but they could both be obstructed in one play. I like taking the bingo.
>Matt_Canik: CDDIKTT L9 .DDICT +20 182
#note PB: He said he had more consonants here, he didn't want to open this part of the board but he needed to get through the consonants.

MC: Added in the full rack; did not know/see the nice D(E)TICK for 26 which has to be it. I hated opening the board with my lead but didn't see good ways to play through this otherwise. This play is why I lost this game and I deserve to lose for making it
>Patrick_Beatrez: EEEIIJR A8 JE.E +33 163
#note Missing EEJI(T) which is light years better.
>Matt_Canik: CEKLTUW 14J CU.TLE +28 210
#note PB: He pegged me on vowels after my post-bingo play of JETE, so he put the E in the triple line instead of the T.

MC: I hated W(R)ECK here and made a small sacrifice to block with SSSS? unseen, even though he didn't have an S last turn or else he'd have played JE(T)ES for a million
>Patrick_Beatrez: EIIILOR O10 OILI.R +21 184
>Matt_Canik: ?HKNOWZ 5E WOK +38 248
#note or KNOW for 33 instead? idk
>Patrick_Beatrez: EEIMNSX 6E EX +57 241
>Matt_Canik: ?AHNTVZ H1 NAZ. +39 287
#note once again, I am in control in the game and I opt to open the board because I'm greedy for points. Instincts really wanted VEX/VAN and I wouldn't let myself do it for some reason. 39 is a lot of points bot VHT? is so bad and opening in this instance is dumb when I've got the goodies to win on a closed board

I should just play VAN to set up the Z bomb and win

This is another stupid play and once again I deserve to lose this
>Patrick_Beatrez: EIMNNSS 11I MIN. +14 255
#note I need to keep scoring pressure with 11D INNS for 31 keeping it close and keeping a good leave. I was focused on bingoing, so I wanted to make sure I still had lines available which was made easier by Matt's last play of NAZI.
>Matt_Canik: ?AAAHTV 1D HAVA.A +16 303
#note PB: Not a word, I didn't remember seeing it but I had a bingo ready to play so I didn't want to risk it.

MC: No idea how to respond to the new opening or the AAA draw I just had. This play sucks even if it's valid. idk. (J)AVA and keep both lines open for a bingo-bango sequence?
>Patrick_Beatrez: AEFINSS C7 FAI.NESS +82 337
#note Best bingo.
>Matt_Canik: ?BHMTTU 2A THUMB +35 338
#note TH(U)MBnUT wins this game most of the time if I know it. Once again the tiles bail me out and I'm too bad to close this one out
>Patrick_Beatrez: OOPRSSU H1 ....S +25 362
#note Unplayable SOURSOP. I considered either A1 STUPOR or just dropping the S for 25 and keeping one in the bag. His only bingo threat that I see is WASTERIE through the S in FAIRNESS, which I lose to no matter what I do. I thought the endgame tempo of keeping one in the bag had to be best. However, STUPOR puts me up by 32 points keeping OS and drawing two tiles. Two vowel draws can sometimes hold on and win, such as AE or EE. Blank draws should always win. Quackle puts STUPOR at 82% to win and dropping the S at only 4/9, I think STUPOR was definitely a better play.
>Matt_Canik: ?AEEETW A1 E.WEE +27 365
#note PB: Very interesting decision here. QAT for 30 is the obvious choice, it blocks (N)IPS for 33 for me and is his highest scoring play. QAT appears to win 2/8, either with a P or S draw since I won't have STUPOR. With any of the other tiles besides R I win comfortably, and with R in the bag I need to find B12 PIU to win by one point. ETWEE appears to only win with an S draw, since with the other draws I can either score with hooking JETE, with NIP/NIPS, or by playing long with something like RESPOOL or PELORUS.

MC: I tunneled in on (N)IPS and couldn't figure out how to win when he had it, but also couldn't figure out how to win if I blocked it with (Q)AT holding EEEW? -- he'll just find an out in two and win.

This turn *felt* like where I let this game get away, but it was really the ADDICT and NAZI plays and the THUMBNUT miss that sunk me here. Hats off to Patrick -- this definitely won't be the last time he beats me.
>Patrick_Beatrez: LOOPRSU 12B L.PROUS +20 382
#note Only winning idea, I need to play long with LEPROUS/PELORUS or RESPOOL.
>Matt_Canik: ?AIT 3J I.ATe +13 378
#note Best.
>Matt_Canik: (O) +2 380
Player 2
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