Game Details
Player 1
#character-encoding UTF-8
#player1 james james
#player2 matt matt
>james: IJN 8G JIN +20 20
>matt: DDEIMNO F6 MODED +31 31
#note I had no idea what to do here so I played a phoney that isn't even as good as real plays
>james: AGIY E9 YAGI +24 44
>matt: AEIINOS J8 NAOI +19 50
>james: UX D12 XU +36 80
>matt: AEIIOOS K7 OI +16 66
>james: IO 7H OI +8 88
>matt: AEIOSTU D5 OUTIE +12 78
#note I really wanted to play OI again here
>james: IPRU 8A PUR. +18 106
>matt: ACEIISW E3 CAW +26 104
>james: NOW C3 NOW +21 127
>matt: EEFIILS K11 FIE +22 126
>james: ?ACRRTY 3E .ARRYCoT +69 196
#note sick word. I had never seen it and held, but with an S in hand I felt like I had to let it go and pounce on the spot.
>matt: DEEILSU M3 SUEDE +44 170
>james: EHN H1 HE.N +24 220
>matt: AGILQRT F2 Q.T +34 204
>james: GO 1H .OG +7 227
>matt: AGILORT J3 .LOG +11 215
#note Q really wants me to hold the L and play HOGG/GOo or GO/GIN. With the unseen pool it makes sense but with three unseen L's i could find trouble too... this turn was very hard
>james: ADELMNT 13H LAM.NTED +74 301
>matt: AEIRTTV H10 VAR.ET +30 245
>james: ?EILNSS O7 LINSeE.S +77 378
>matt: AEILRTZ 14F ZE. +32 277
#note no idea how to win here so I just decided not to
>james: AEEHV 15B HEVEA +26 404
>matt: AAIKLRT B12 KIT. +22 299
>james: BBFPRS B7 B.RP +14 418
>matt: AALR N11 AR.AL +17 316
>matt: (BFS) +16 332
Player 2
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