Game Details
Player 1
#character-encoding UTF-8
#player1 matt matt
#player2 eric eric
>matt: AALOOST -AOO +0 0
#note -AO or -AOO? Sim actually likes -AO by 1 but I wonder if that translates well vs humans. weird turn.
>eric: AAEFFSS 8H AFF +18 18
>matt: AEILSTV H8 .ESTIVAL +86 86
#note lmao the two tiles I needed. F on the start would have tilted him so hard
>eric: AAEESST 15G E.ASTASE +59 77
>matt: ?EHORTY 12C RHYOl.TE +76 162
#note backed out of HELOTRY for some reason; it plays for 90 and I am bad at scrabble
>eric: GIOOTTZ 14L ZOO +41 118
>matt: BDEEKNT 14G B.KE +26 188
#note or longer with BETA(K)E or KE(R)BED for more turnover? S? is huuuuuge right now

sim likes this by 7 though so I guess it's got to be the move?
>eric: GGINTTU G2 GUTTING +72 190
>matt: DEGINOT K7 GEOID +26 214
#note LOL I thought INGOTED#

I hate my brain
>eric: CLOO E8 COOL. +20 210
>matt: EIMNOPT L1 PIMENTO +81 295
#note when you miss a baby bingo, you get rewarded with miracle draws that score 81 in the most obscure line on the board
>eric: IIMN H1 MINI +29 239
>matt: AANRSVX F5 AX +52 347
#note AX -> VANS is the greedy spread queen sequence here; VANS -> AX is almost definitely correct for win% but I spazzed
>eric: ARU 1L .RAU +18 257
>matt: AENQRSV O12 VANS +73 420
>eric: EHY E3 YEH +30 287
>matt: AELOQRW 10J Q. +31 451
>eric: DEIW C9 WEI.D +26 313
>matt: AELORRW B6 ARROW +36 487
>eric: BDEEJRU A6 BEER +36 349
>matt: AELLNNP D1 PLAN +27 514
#note L(E)P(TI)N
>eric: DDIIJUU 5I DJI. +24 373
#note I draw CR? out of the CDDIIJRUU? and Eric has DDIIJUU because Scrabble
>matt: ?CELNR C3 NaCRE +37 551
#note CaRLE is a word and it plays for 41
>eric: DIUU M7 DUI +14 387
>matt: L N1 .L +4 555
>matt: (U) +2 557
Player 2
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