Game Details
Player 1
#character-encoding UTF-8
#player1 Patrick_Beatrez Patrick Beatrez
#player2 Don_Rathberger Don Rathberger
>Patrick_Beatrez: ?DIINQS H7 QI +22 22
>Don_Rathberger: GHNO 8D HONG. +13 13
#note HONG is one more point.
>Patrick_Beatrez: ?DILNNS E4 NoNS.LID +82 104
#note Only bingo.
>Don_Rathberger: BMU D3 BUM +21 34
>Patrick_Beatrez: EGRRSTT 10C GR.TTERS +63 167
#note Only bingo.
>Don_Rathberger: EIPR I4 PERI +19 53
>Patrick_Beatrez: ?DEFIRT 5H R.FItTED +72 239
>Don_Rathberger: EIPW O1 WIPE. +36 89
>Patrick_Beatrez: AAINOOU M3 AU.O +8 247
#note C9 IGUANA gets rid of more of the junk, but I'm fine just blocking lines for now.
>Don_Rathberger: ACF C2 CAF +30 119
>Patrick_Beatrez: AINOWYZ C10 .YOZA +36 283
#note Apparently just dropping the W for 26 is best on static equity, but I don't understand that. I'm fine with GYOZA.
>Don_Rathberger: AINR D12 RANI +27 146
>Patrick_Beatrez: AILNTWY 14B W..LY +38 321
#note No home for TAWNILY, this is best.
>Don_Rathberger: EK N5 .KE +33 179
>Patrick_Beatrez: AEINTUX H10 .XEUNT +42 363
#note XU looks best, with AUXIN or EAUX right behind. I saw EXEUNT but didn't really look for a better play. Especially with how vowel heavy the pool is, this could get ugly.
>Don_Rathberger: BLO O7 LOB +17 196
>Patrick_Beatrez: AAEHIOU 11J OHIA +16 379
>Don_Rathberger: EIMT 12K ITEM +23 219
#note MITE in the same spot is 5 more, but he may be trying to set up an S.
>Patrick_Beatrez: AAEOSTU F5 AA +12 391
#note AA in the top right is one more. AUTO/OUTA to the T in EXEUNT getting rid of another vowel looks better than AA.
>Don_Rathberger: AAGS O12 SAGA +26 245
>Patrick_Beatrez: EIOSTUV 14M VU. +14 405
#note H2 TOU(R) setting up my S!
>Don_Rathberger: JO 15A JO +32 277
>Patrick_Beatrez: DEEIOST 6I .ED +16 421
>Don_Rathberger: CDEO H1 DECO. +32 309
>Patrick_Beatrez: EEIOSTV 1F VI.EO +9 430
#note 13G O(U)TIES keeping VE(E) or V(ID)E is best.
>Don_Rathberger: ELNR 13G L.NE +6 315
#note G10 (T)ERN
>Patrick_Beatrez: EST 10M TES +14 444
#note This or T(OR)SE are both 14.
>Patrick_Beatrez: (R) +2 446
Player 2
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