Game Details
Player 1
#character-encoding UTF-8
#player1 Patrick_Beatrez Patrick Beatrez
#player2 Eric_Harshbarger Eric Harshbarger
>Patrick_Beatrez: EIIJNSX H7 JIN +20 20
#note JINXES is clearly best, and JINX is way better than JIN. I got the word confused with the Pokemon and was 100% convinced *JYNX was the word. Yikes.
>Eric_Harshbarger: AWY 9F WA.Y +15 15
#note AWNY is 3 more.
>Patrick_Beatrez: ABEHISX 10E HEX +31 51
#note IBEX is 5 better on equity, keeping AHS instead of ABIS. I liked keeping the B for the WEB hook, but it's probably not worth keeping since my opponent is likely to use the spot.
>Eric_Harshbarger: EFGILRU 8A FIGURE +39 54
>Patrick_Beatrez: ABEISSU 11D BISE +39 90
#note This or 11C BIASES keeping just the U. I like keeping the S to hook AXE. Sim has BISE slightly better than BIASES.
>Eric_Harshbarger: EEEEE -EEEEE +0 54
>Patrick_Beatrez: ADELNSU 6D UNLADES +74 164
#note Best.
>Eric_Harshbarger: ADGORST B4 GORD.TAS +64 118
#note Only bingo.
>Patrick_Beatrez: AAHKRTY D11 .ARKY +36 200
#note Missing RAYAH in the top left, this or BRAKY is second best.
>Eric_Harshbarger: ENOW 14B WO.EN +28 146
>Patrick_Beatrez: ACEHITZ A12 CHAI +49 249
#note Best.
>Eric_Harshbarger: ILTU 4B .UILT +12 158
>Patrick_Beatrez: ACDEOTZ 15F AZOTED +50 299
#note Static equity has AZOTED for 50 and ZO(O) for 39 as close, but I'm not sure the potential bingos from ACDET will be likely to play.
>Eric_Harshbarger: IT - +0 158
>Patrick_Beatrez: CIMNORR 14J MINOR +39 338
#note Not playing MICRON to open up the triple triple. MONIC would be better to not even give up the S hook, I didn't see the word. MICRO or MINOR seem close, MICRO is probably better.
>Eric_Harshbarger: IT A8 .IT +10 168
>Patrick_Beatrez: CEILOPR 5I POLICER +78 416
#note I did not see REPLICO(N) which does not open the triple triple line with two blanks still out.
>Eric_Harshbarger: ?DLNOTU L1 TOLU.DiN +70 238
#note He has a couple higher scoring bingos from the R but he wanted to keep the triple triple lines open.
>Patrick_Beatrez: ABEEFGV O1 FAVE. +36 452
#note Best play to close both triple triples.
>Eric_Harshbarger: ?AEIQRT N7 QuARTIE. +68 306
#note Only bingo, but perhaps 8J QI(N)TAR is better holding onto the blank.
>Patrick_Beatrez: BEEGOPS 1H BEGO. +24 476
#note BEGETS and BEGET are better.
>Eric_Harshbarger: AEMNOV 11I MOVAN. +22 328
#note MAVEN, NAEVOID, or O8 MAE are two points better.
>Patrick_Beatrez: EPS M9 PE.S +20 496
#note Best.
>Patrick_Beatrez: (E) +2 498
Player 2
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