Game Details
Player 1
#character-encoding UTF-8
#player1 matt matt
#player2 t t
>matt: EEENRUW H8 EWE +12 12
>t: FNO G8 FON +20 20
>matt: EINRTUU 11E UNTRUE +26 38
#note anyone plunking (FE)U for 6 instead? Sim likes that most but it can't actually be right against a human
>t: AJM 12C JAM +28 48
>matt: EEHINTZ I7 ZEN +36 74
#note HEEZ(E) wins a sim by ~1 but I like the long-term dynamics of this play more
>t: AI 10J AI +8 56
>matt: CEHILQT 7I .ILCH +23 97
#note Really challenging position, especially after he's just played AI for 8 and suggesting he's in all 1-pointer territory. Just how good is his range? Is this smarter than QI/QI and than QI?


message me about this if you think you know the answer
>t: ?CEIRTU M3 ToUC.IER +76 132
>matt: DEEEOQT 13B DOE +28 125
#note who's playing TOQ(U)E here? not me!

weirdly sim likes TOE over DOE by about half a point. I liked QAT bailouts at 12A if I draw into one of the seven A's.
>t: GIPR L1 GRIP +26 158
>matt: BEELQTV J6 Q. +31 156
>t: AALNO 1G ANALO. +21 179
>matt: BEELSTV 14A VET +28 184
>t: DMR E9 DR.. +7 186
>matt: BEHLLSS 15C SHELLS +50 234
>t: ADENRST 2A STANDER +72 258
>matt: AABDIWX K4 AXI. +37 271
#note 15 unseen vowels / 15 unseen consonants, so I'm hoarding my consos

sim agrees
>t: OV G1 ..VO +11 269
>matt: ABDIUWY 4D BAY.U +22 293
#note IUY draw; good thing I hoarded my consonants LOL

This felt off over the board and still feels wrong, but I couldn't find anything else do to. U(N)BID? (D)AUBY? W(AXIL)Y? (S)UBWAY?

This wins a sim by about 3
>t: AFO 1A OAF +31 300
>matt: DGIKTWY 5B TWIG +26 319
#note play the T or set it up with ST? unseen?
>t: EEEIRST 14G EERIEST +63 363
>matt: ?DIIKMY L12 DI.K +28 347
#note I am not Mack, and could not solve this one-in-the-bag endgame

I wanted to figure out one-in-one situations if I draw an O and can threaten MYOID? But just didn't see anything.

After I hit the clock and saw this gave (K)OBO back, I knew this was wrong. But can *anything* win?
>t: ABGOOOP 6D BOP +24 387
>matt: ?IMNY 1G ......IsM +33 380
#note MY -> (K)IrN loses by 2; so I take a big swing with my opponent low on time and appearing to have mistracked it...
>t: AGOO - +0 387
#note ...and he challenges...
>matt: NY I1 .NY +10 390
#note AND IT'S GOOD!
>matt: (AGOO) +10 400
Player 2
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