Game Details
Player 1
#character-encoding UTF-8
#player1 Eric_Goldstein Eric Goldstein
#player2 Samuel_Kaplan Samuel Kaplan
>Eric_Goldstein: DIJNNWZ - +0 0
#note Not actual rack. Eric exchanged 5 tiles here.
>Samuel_Kaplan: DEGILNO 8H OD +6 6
#note Not the right way to start off this one by missing GLENOID. Gotta see that one.
>Eric_Goldstein: EEN 9G NEE +11 11
>Samuel_Kaplan: EGILNNU 10I LUNG +11 17
>Eric_Goldstein: AAH 10E AHA +16 27
>Samuel_Kaplan: EIILNST 11C LINIEST +81 98
#note There we go. This is Division 1 level board vision.
>Eric_Goldstein: AHRT H11 .HART +36 63
>Samuel_Kaplan: AEKNORT 12A KOAN +32 130
#note Almost had KENOTRON! But or KAON are fine.
>Eric_Goldstein: EEP A12 .EEP +30 93
>Samuel_Kaplan: ?DEELRT K4 REDoLE.T +82 212
#note 12H (H)aLTERED is a cool play. But this is clearly better.
>Eric_Goldstein: EPZ 14G P.EZ +35 128
>Samuel_Kaplan: ADEFIOU 4H FIO.D +26 238
#note Right idea with some turnover, FAI(R)ED is a better version of this despite a worse leave and not retaining the LUNGE hook. Slight mistake.
>Eric_Goldstein: IOQU 15D QUOI. +28 156
>Samuel_Kaplan: ADEITUU 6E AUDITE. +13 251
#note Right idea again with the turnover, but this time it should be 3C DAUTIE. #visionmedium
>Eric_Goldstein: BERSV M9 VERBS +34 190
>Samuel_Kaplan: AEMNORU 15J AMU +17 268
#note And the game fell apart here because NEUROMA would have played on Column M if Eric didn't block it with VERBS. And of course I will have a hard time blocking the FIORDS hook without giving something else back to him.
>Eric_Goldstein: ABW 5C WAB +24 214
#note He played this rather instantly and I figured he was up to something.
>Samuel_Kaplan: EINORTW 4B WON +21 289
#note A really cool idea would have been to play B6 WO setting up my T because there's only 1 T left. That would not only have taken out his S hook but it would also have given me potential bingo prospects too!
>Eric_Goldstein: CY C3 C..Y +24 238
>Samuel_Kaplan: AEIORTY L10 .OA +19 308
#note Not really seeing where bingoes would fit after several playes for YO or OY to go. I wasn't fond of 3G YO here as there's only 2 more Os to draw.
>Eric_Goldstein: IX B14 XI +40 278
#note Crap...
>Samuel_Kaplan: EGILRTY 13H .Y +18 326
>Eric_Goldstein: ?EGIMNS M1 MEsSING +82 360
#note And now my lead has been coughed up. And I've only gotten 2 of a possible 8 Ss thru the 1st 2 games this tournament.
>Samuel_Kaplan: EGILRRT 1J TRI.ER +27 353
#note Since I don't see where I could bingo on this board after fishing off an R, I now have to hope Eric has a clunky rack.
>Eric_Goldstein: ACFIOOS 2E FIASCO +19 379
#note And this is one of many moves that wins for him. A cool move for him to J-stick me is J3 S(O) or I3 O(I)! But he has to be careful because while he can do H1 COOF next, that allows me to get rid of my J.
>Samuel_Kaplan: GJLRTV G1 R.J +18 371
#note This is the best I can do.
>Eric_Goldstein: O 6B O. +7 386
#note This one is demoralizing. I had a 95 point lead but AUDITED and FIORD were small errors. I just needed 1 more strong play to pull this one out and Eric miraculously avoided all the drek in the bag. Great comeback win Eric! Now I know what it's like to be on the other end of a large comeback because I've completed such a challenge several times. But if there's anybody who would have felt worse than me, it's Richard Popper because at least I didn't accept a phony. 0-2 -209. I cannot afford to keep putting myself in an early hole because I'm not always going to be able to climb out of it, as mentally strong as I can be.
>Eric_Goldstein: (GLTV) +16 402
Player 2
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